Confidence and Success > Relationships/Dating
How Can I Convince my Boyfriend to Shave?
My boyfriend has been thinning ever since I met him. The problem is, he's too scared to let go of his hair. I think he's self conscious or embarrassed since I've never seen him with it really short. I used to be a bit nervous to bring up the topic because I know it can be a touchy subject, but at this point I really just want him to cut it off. I've told him to get a haircut and even offered to do it for him, but he says no. I thought maybe he never wanted to do it because he wasn't sure how I'd feel about it, but now I've offered and he still doesn't want to. What do I do? I don't want to say anything to hurt his feelings, but I also think he would just look better without the hair at this point. He got so upset last time when I tried to cut it, that now I'm too nervous to even bring it up again.
Let it go, it's his decision.
have him look at some pictures and read some of the stories on this website,that might help him,if it doesnt then hes not ready and you should let it go until hes ready.
I'm definitely not trying to give him an ultimatum or even saying it all has to go. But it really bugs me, even if he could take it really short that would be an improvement. And I know it's not easy for guys, but I just thought hearing it from me might give him a little boost to go through with it. And I never try to force him to do it, I just try to bring it up politely to make him think about it, I never even mention the baldness. I simply say his hair is getting a little long and he could use a haircut. Wouldn't you guys let your significant other know if there was something they should do to improve themselves even if it is a touchy subject? Am I being mean? I do like the idea of him reading up about it on this site, but I don't know if he's in denial of going bald.
I had a head full of hair and then my widow's peak got higher and higher so I decided to buzz it all off with a #2 guard, then I went to a #1 guard. After a few months, I had my head shaved without a guard and then I went home and shaved it I haven't looked back since, it's been 3 years. I shave every day, love the smooth feeling and I get lots of compliments on how I look younger with a bald head since my head full of hair was very gray. He could always try it, it will grow back if he doesn't like the look or feel of a bald head.
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