Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head

Salicylic Acid on dome

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Salicylic Acid

Anyone use this on the dome?

I just started to use it as i suffer with acne on there. This stuff has brought out even more! Apparently that is the norm.

Any comments?

Well, not going to use it again! It has brought out loads of spots. Read it could badly reacting with skin. Some say to persevere for several weeks. No thanks.

Really think i need to get back to ysing a DE. One blade.

I use a skin cleaner with salycilic acid called "Seabreeze".  It is sold over the counter with different percentages of SA.  I buy it in bulk at the barber supply store.  I love it as a skin cleaner

i dont get a lot of blemishes on my head but when i do i use something like clearasile and that works good in one day other that i use i gentle cleanser on my head and face called yardley with oatmeal and almond,and works gently on my skin.

Try witch hazel .


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