Confidence and Success > How to Build Confidence
better attitude
I'm sure alot of guys that were thinning or balding feel they look better after shaving, which gives them relief. Not worrying about gradually losing more hair.
For guys like me, BBC, the act of shaving off a full head of hair is a dramatic change. Either it looks good, or can look terrible. I immediately liked the bald look, and got nearly all positive reactions. I had white hair for decades, so not seeing that head of white hair was a welcome change.
I felt that sporting a shaved head looked awesome, and I still enjoy it.
Barbero Pelón:
Definitely,more confident and masculine since I'm a cueball
Very much so, really increased my self confidence - willing to be different. I had very short hair from age 19 in 1950. Shaved head completely in late 1970's before it became more common.
--- Quote from: bennett11 on December 24, 2018, 10:26:57 AM ---Very much so, really increased my self confidence - willing to be different. I had very short hair from age 19 in 1950. Shaved head completely in late 1970's before it became more common.
--- End quote ---
in my past 10-15 years since my hair hit the ground, I've noticed baldies have become much more common. It's like a fashion statement for balding dudes and the dudes who just want a bad-ass look. damn, i feet so f'ing COMMON!
Don't worry Chris; the difference between you any me and those guys who just want "the look" is that we really are Bad Asses - and we know it - and we know that they know that we are Bad Asses too!
As an aside; I ditched all of my facial hair about a week ago and a couple of people have actually looked at me and told me that I look "F'ing Badass!" That never happened to me while I had the bald head and the beard/goatee - I guess the bald and beard thing really has become "common". "shave your head and grow a goatee..."
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