Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Trimming Your Head/Hair
horse shoe look
how many people out their had the horse shoe hair doo before they shaved their heads.
Me for one .
magoo, did you ever try to grow your hair back.
No, not me, but it would be a heck a lot easier to shave half as much every morning! Thought about laser removal until I heard it won't work on grey hair.
--- Quote from: scooby on May 12, 2018, 01:54:11 PM ---magoo, did you ever try to grow your hair back.
--- End quote ---
Many times , but in the long run I find shaving easier to maintain and I like the bald look better than the ring around the head . Shaving takes me about 10 min. Every 2 or 3 days. Buzz cut every 2 wks. takes more time setting up and cleaning up.
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