Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head
How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
Denis Fisher:
I shave my head often and use after shaving coconut oil it works well on my skin. O0
Something I forgot about, and hasn't been mentioned lately is an alum block. I had some irritation recently, and found my alum block. Just rub all over your head with cold water immediately after shaving. Stings a little, but works great.
I think much irritation comes for many by trying to get a perfectly smoothed shave. If your scalp can handle it fine , but others like my self have to do with less smoothness. The back of my head will only tolerate WTG shaving.
I do multiple passes against the grain. I like it BBS every day. Got alot of sun lately with just a little pink on my head, just enough to be a little sensitive. Alum block and witch hazel calm it right down.
--- Quote from: reddog on March 23, 2018, 05:21:41 PM ---Hi jkid, when I first started shaving, I got alot of irritation. I used Bump Patrol for the first couple months. You can get it at Wal-Mart. I shave everyday and it took a couple months for my scalp to get used to it. Now I just use Irish Spring bar soap in the shower and dad make multiple passes with no problems. I do a cold water rinse and an application of witch hazel. I only use lotion if I get a little dryness.
It's all about conditioning the scalp. You just have to be patient.
--- End quote ---
My experience has been similar. I've had to work at conditioning my very tender scalp... using an electric at times, skipping days, using various shaving creams, etc. I shaved my head for the first time back in November, and I only recently - in May - have "arrived" at being able to razor shave every day in the shower without problems. For the first couple of months my head was a little sore, especially around the two "alfalfa" areas that I'd hoped my natural baldness had already addressed.
I know this is kinda gross, but I'll go ahead with it for the benefit of others. At times my skin was sort of oozing in those extra sensitive areas. Alcohol, like in aftershave, helped to dry it out but stung like crazy. It gets better. Now I have the same smooth dry skin all over my scalp.
I've found an "after sun" aloe lotion at Walmart that helps a lot. There are two inexpensive Walmart types. I especially like the one with lidocaine, since it pretty instantly took away the irritation and let my skin heal quickly. It's made for sunburn, but also for things like windburn and minor abrasions. It works.
I, too, use Irish Spring in the shower, make multiple passes because I'm a perfectionist, shave against the grain for a really smooth feel, and all is groovy... finally.
So... even if you have a super tender scalp like me, keep at it and you'll "arrive".
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