Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head
How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
I shave daily and haven't had any razor burn since I started using olive oil on my scalp before applying some shaving gel. I don't know why this works but I can't complain. I get good shaves every time. As for the shine, I don't really care if it shines or not.
I only get razor burn if a repeatedly shave the same area trying to get it perfectly smooth. I have learned to not do that over time, some areas just will not be perfectly smooth. Daily shaving for me is no problem.
--- Quote from: clint902 on June 20, 2021, 02:23:36 PM ---I shave daily and haven't had any razor burn since I started using olive oil on my scalp before applying some shaving gel.
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That’s a great trick. I’ll try olive oil next time when i run out of my King of Shave oil. It’s getting hard to find. But yes, about 6 to 8 drops of oil on the dome with shaving gel on top of that makes for a perfect shave. It’s just about eliminated all razor burn.
I don’t fuss as much about getting that perfect shave. I have a pesky spot that’s tough to get smooth. But too my swipes with the razor will create a burn regardless of what you apply.
As for a shine, i use aloe gel. I do like a nicely buffed, shiny dome for weekends or after work. During the day, matte is fine, and I don’t apply anything other than a moisturizer.
I shave my head daily, otherwise it feels like velcro or sandpaper.
Laser Man:
--- Quote from: jason_greets on June 18, 2024, 01:30:54 PM ---I shave my head daily, otherwise it feels like velcro or sandpaper.
--- End quote ---
Yep, pulling a shirt off over stubble can be brutal!
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