Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
Shaving against the grain on head
Hello there, been a long while since I've posted on here just a curious on technique for people, I just tried out my first DE safety razor shave I got the Viking chieftain razor and the blades were just the 'training' blades they include with it, I managed to shave my face and head without peeling myself like a potato like I was worried about, I really like the shave a lot. My face is super smooth however when I did my head with the razor going against the grain on back of my head was a little awkward. Is there an easy way to get a smooth shave on back of head without pulling razor upwards?
Or I'm assuming it'll come with time if not.
On a good note other than a small cut on my head I didn't knick myself as much as I thought I would at all! The one I knew i had as well. I put pressure against the razor instead of just gliding it along. just habit from using a cartridge for so long wont happen again though!
I exclusively DE headshave now. Once I got the hang of it, it’s all been smooth sailing.
I use DE most of the times and a diagonal pass helps to avoid issues with the ATG pass. Up and to the left on the left side and up to the right on the right side. A sharp blade will always help, as long as you keep you angle. Arm stretching isn't a bad idea.
When I use the DE razor, I make two passes: first one with the grain then another against the grain.
There is one area by the right ear that always feels very 'scrapey' when going against the grain. It doesn't matter how much I prep this area, it's always the same.
The WTG pass doesn't seem to achieve much. Perhaps I could just go right to the ATG pass considering I never go more than a day or two without a dome shave.
I actually go against the grain first, then with the grain. I find that it goes faster when I make a sweep with the grain last.
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