Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
Head shaving in shower?
Have a Merkur 34c that I've had for a long time but gave up on....any head shaving tips for in the shower?
Can also headblade if a DE won't be best in there...
Dude, using a DE takes more time, as you tend to go slower, and concentrate more. So you might run out of hot water before you get it all smooth. Of course, it depends on how much you have to shave. If you're BBC, it takes some time to shave with a DE. I usually DE right after a shower, in front of the mirror.
I always shave in the shower. Just easier for me, and i find i dont get irritation from the razor that wsy, like i do if i shave in front of the mirror. However i use a mach 3 razor, not a de. So if thats what u want to use, i cant really comment, as i have zero experience with using one either in or out of the shower
--- Quote from: amatlock2778 on December 28, 2017, 11:22:32 AM ---I always shave in the shower. Just easier for me, and i find i dont get irritation from the razor that wsy, like i do if i shave in front of the mirror. However i use a mach 3 razor, not a de. So if thats what u want to use, i cant really comment, as i have zero experience with using one either in or out of the shower
--- End quote ---
Sooo...I'm afraid to do this, because I'm pretty sure it'll end up looking like the shower scene from Psycho. Do you find that you bleed a lot doing it in the shower?
I used to shave in the shower all the time with my headblade and my fusion. Could do it in no time at all. No nicks, no cuts at all. And id get it baby soft every time.
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