Discussions About Being Bald > Tattoos and Piercings


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Hi everyone had another five hours this week and nearly finished my sleeve off maybe just another hour or two hopefully :)

@JayG23 looking good!

Just curious, how did you pick out the pattern?  Does it have a particular meaning?

I am jealous!  My tattoo artist left town to parts unknown five months ago leaving my half sleeve half finished!


--- Quote from: slybeard on November 05, 2017, 06:19:07 PM ---Just curious, how did you pick out the pattern?  Does it have a particular meaning?

--- End quote ---

Just sat down with the tattoo artist and went through all the bits I wanted and she worked with me to fit it all in, yeah it has a meaning I had the three wolves as I have the three kids and a all seeing eye watching over them I also have a larger alpha wolf on the inside of my arm plus I love wolves as well :D


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