Author Topic: Novice with routine/questions  (Read 4075 times)

Offline xRyanF

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Novice with routine/questions
« on: August 04, 2017, 01:00:13 PM »
 Hey everyone. I took the plunge on Wednesday. I'm only 23 and decided to go bald. By choice though, because I have always wanted to do it. Anyways, I have a few questions because I am a novice at this.

1. I know routines are subjective, but does this seem good?: hot shower, soap and shampoo, get out, apply shave gel, shave once with the grain. Reapply gel and shave against grain. Cold water to finish and then i apply regular moisturizer.

2. I have these bumps on my head, I am pretty sure not from irritation or anything. They are a pain to shave because if I go over them, odds are I'll cut them (already have twice), and it is a pain to shave around. I'll try to post pictures. But they are bigger than irritation bumps and was wondering if they would go away

3. I'm really taking my time shaving, because I love the feel of a smooth bald head. But not even 3 hours later when I touch my head again I feel stubble. Its slight but there. Sandpaper feel to it. It's frustrating because I dont want to shave 5 times a day just to keep a smooth head. Is this something i have to live with or is it an issue with my equipment or routine? I use the Gilette Fusion Proshield 5 Blade. I am thinking of picking up a Mach 3 after work because I have heard good things about it

Thanks in advance guys.

Offline Zooman

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2017, 01:24:40 PM »
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on taking the plunge!
I've only been at this for about four months myself (so I'm no expert yet), but your routine sounds pretty good.  The only thing I'd say is that you really don't need to shampoo.  I exfoliate my scalp about every other day and then I'll use something (right now HeadBlade's Head Wash) on my head and face on the in between days.
I'm not sure about the bumps.  I still get some acne on my scalp, so it could be something like that.
And yes, the quest for the perfectly smooth head is an elusive one.  I would say this is mostly normal.  I did notice that I got a smoother shave once I switched to the HeadBlade (from a regular cartridge razor).  I also know that some guys use a DE razor which may get you a smoother dome for a little longer.  But the sandpaper feel later in the day or the next day is probably something you just have to deal with depending on how fast your hair grows and how close a shave you can get.
Good luck with your new routine!

Offline Magoo

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2017, 03:38:56 PM »
Your routine is fine I do about the same , with slight changes now and then. With the stubble this is normal. What I do or not do is not put my hand on my scalp, this way the stubble does not bother me. If you don't feel it you forget about it . Shave every other day gives your scalp a chance to heal from irritation. Without a picture the bumps ...not sure ??
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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2017, 03:51:59 PM »
I echo the others concerning the routine. What shave gel do you use btw? I'd recommend getting the Bump Patrol shaving gel, which is in a dark blue tube. Walmart sells it. I know you mentioned the Mach 3 and I recommend that also. It's prone to not give you nicks like some other razors on the market and the smoothness lasts a good while. In comparison to a straight razor shave in which I do sometimes, the Mach 3 keeps my head smooth longer.

Offline xRyanF

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2017, 05:55:35 PM »
Thanks guys. I'll look into exfoliating my head. I've read that shampooing your scalp is supposed to be normal for bald men?

I use Dove Men Care Shave Gel btw. I was at my local grocery store and picked it up along with my other equipment. I'll go back this weekend and look for something more specific to bald men and try that Mach 3 razor as well.

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2017, 06:17:16 PM »
Your routine sounds pretty good.  You don't need to shampoo, but you should use an exfoliating scrub every couple days. I buy the Walgreens brand and it works well.  Also, try Headslick for your shaving cream.  I've had great results with it and many Walgreens carry it.  As for stubble, yep, it's annoying.  Not much you can do about it.

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2017, 01:25:21 PM »
If you shave super close against the grain, I stay pretty smooth for about 7 or 8 hours before the stubble is felt. But wait until your scalp gets used to shaving before you go atg. I can get pretty aggressive shaving with a DE razor without any irritation. Of course, the next morning the dreaded stubble returns, and daily headshaving is needed for us that love the smooth head.
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Offline mrzed

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2017, 06:35:53 AM »
Great routine.

Bumps may be just novice getting used to shaving. See other's comments.

Stubble, as you develop your head shaving skill, you may get a closer shave and the stubble will take longer to come in.  Also, if you are one of those guys who has been blessed or cursed with heavy body hair, that may just be life.  I know a fellow who went through the Naval Academy. Thick hair all over him.  He had to shave his beard multiple times a day to keep in 'regulation'. His 5 o'clock shadow appeared about noon.  If that's you, you're going to have to learn to live with stubble or shave multiple times.

When I shave every other day or so, it seems that it lasts longer the first day ... that might be a solution. You just have to deal with the stubble on the 2nd day.  If I skip for a week I need a brush hog (double edge razor) to mow down the field first before using my headblade to finish up a smooth head shave.  This might happen when I'm sick or away from my routine (like vacation).

Offline Nickd

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Re: Novice with routine/questions
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2017, 09:49:27 PM »
I agree with what everyone  has said with the exception of one thing. I use shampoo on my head because regular  soap can dry your skin out whereas  shampoo is designed to moisturize. I have a full beard which I shampoo first then I just wash my head from there. Then I use a good head scrub.