Author Topic: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way  (Read 12515 times)

Offline skeeball

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Today is the end of my "30 days," and I'll be staying sly for a bit longer, at least through the summer. This isn't the first time I've done the 30 day rule as I previously tried it three years ago, but I think I did it better this time than I did the previous time. Specifically, I think if you're going to succeed, there are a few key things you have to do:
  • Find your right routine, and stick with the routine. The last time, I kept switching razor brands, using different products each time I shaved, failed to have a consistent pattern in which I shaved, shaving at different times of the day, shaving in different places, etc. This time, I was consistent, using the same razor and same shaving cream every time, replacing my razor on a weekly basis, always doing it in the morning at the end of my shower, and kept a consistent pattern. It takes me less than 5 minutes to get a smooth nick free shave, which is less than how much time I spent on shampoo and styling; the last time I did the 30 day rule, my inconsistency turned shaving into a task that was frequently 15 minutes or more and frequently a bloody mess with rough patches.
  • Be bald to the world. I think the biggest deal to me about being bald is "what will others think," so the last time I tried it, I constantly wore hats and while I liked the look, I was a little relieved on day 30 when I could start growing my hair back. I haven't worn a hat at all this time around except when out in the sun for a while, and I only do it then for sun protection. Now, when I go around people as a bald guy, I don't feel nervous about their reaction (by the way, you'll also be shocked to find that few people really care).
  • Kind of going back to the consistent routine, but obviously it takes a little while to get things right, and to find your right routine and for some of us, to be able to shave your head without nicks and such. For that reason, I think if I were doing the 30 day rule for the first time, I'd actually not start the 30 days until I've got the routine all settled, because it can easily take up to 30 days (if not more) to get a routine settled, and if you're not getting it until day 25, you're only really experiencing 5 days the "right way."
  • Might be a little paradoxical to the "stick with a routine," but don't be afraid to experiment with your facial hair. I had a mishap on my first day (a result of having to use the clippers to cut off about an inch of hair and taking the clippers too low) that ultimately ended with me shaving off a six month beard. And that's OK! I got to see what I looked like without a beard. And that was a terrible look for me. But it's good to experiment with things, and I think what was sort of interesting was that people noticed my beard being gone much more than they noticed the hair on my head being gone.
  • Keep a positive attitude! I originally went bald "by choice" just to see how I'd look and I sort of still am, but I recently found that my choice is becoming a little less so as I've thinned badly. Whether it's by choice or forced, if you're thinking about how many days until you can grow your hair back, you're doing it all wrong. You've just got to get up and do it, and think to yourself (every single day!) "I need to shave and clean myself up." After all, plenty of guys (not me, but there's nothing wrong with those who feel that way) shave their beard every single day because they want their face to look nice and clean, and they have a very positive attitude about it. If you're gonna be bald, your head shouldn't be any different.

I've got a "day 3" and "day 28" photo here. The main difference, of course, is that I shaved everything on day 3 (face and beard), and day 28 reflects 25 days of growing a beard (what I have here is only the beginning, I've got a lot more beard to grow); I'm pretty sure we can all agree that day 28 is better:

Day 3:

Day 28:

« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 02:53:39 PM by skeeball »

Offline Magoo

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2017, 07:26:49 AM »
Yes the beard is much better,with out it to much chin and skin. The longer you stay shaved the less you care what others say or think.After awhile it feels natural to be bald.
If only all men lived by the "Golden Rule ."

Offline skeeball

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2017, 12:58:20 PM »
This was where my beard stood JUST before I shaved my head and ruined the beard in the process on the day I started my 30 day rule (like a few hours before). This is about seven months growth with minimal grooming:

I really like the look of the fuller and thicker beard even though a lot of people around here think that just stubble works better for me, but I'll admit I could do a little better job of maintenance. I find it very challenging to make a beard look perfect, I've actually cut my own hair for about 15 years and it's really easy to do, and I'm not just talking about shaving your head. But beards are a whole other thing, you've got to be so much more precise and a slight mishap and you've ruined the whole thing. My plan is to go to a barber to get it shaped up once I've got something more significant and hopefully I can maintain it on my own reasonably well.

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2017, 10:27:13 AM »
Im going to out on a limb here and say, no the beard is not better. You look great without it, and in my opinion, way too many sly guys seem to think growing some sort of facial hair is necessary. Its not, you wont get carted off to sly guy jail for keeping a smooth shaved face along with your sly bald head, and you will look much,much younger, better without the facial hair. And by god,please lets end the entire trend of long ass facial hair, regardless of weather the guy sporting it is sly or not. It just looks plain nasty, unkempt mess, even if you keep it well groomed. If you must  have facial hair, short neatly trimmed scruff looks best. Sorry if i offend anyone, its just my personal opinion.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 10:29:24 AM by amatlock2778 »
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Offline skeeball

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2017, 11:20:18 AM »
Im going to out on a limb here and say, no the beard is not better. You look great without it, and in my opinion, way too many sly guys seem to think growing some sort of facial hair is necessary. Its not, you wont get carted off to sly guy jail for keeping a smooth shaved face along with your sly bald head, and you will look much,much younger, better without the facial hair. And by god,please lets end the entire trend of long ass facial hair, regardless of weather the guy sporting it is sly or not. It just looks plain nasty, unkempt mess, even if you keep it well groomed. If you must  have facial hair, short neatly trimmed scruff looks best. Sorry if i offend anyone, its just my personal opinion.

Like I said, if I spent my time worrying and obsessing about what other people think, I'd never find anything that works for me. And neither would anybody else. Everybody always has opinions that are very, very different. That doesn't mean I don't care, because I do like feedback, but at the end of the day, what's most important is what I think. I don't particularly like the look of no facial hair on me, but it works for some people (not all though). I don't even think "stubble" is enough. I get mixed reactions around here on the beard, more of it seeming to lean toward "no beard," but in the real world, among real people that I know, people think that I look absolutely ridiculous without the beard. For you, it's pretty clear that you just don't like beards at all on anybody. And that's fine, but that also tells me that your opinion comes with that bias, just as there are people I know who think everybody should have beards have their own bias as well. I'm more or less indifferent myself and think they look good on some people and some just shouldn't have them.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 11:44:34 AM by skeeball »

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2017, 12:23:16 PM »
Im going to out on a limb here and say, no the beard is not better. You look great without it, and in my opinion, way too many sly guys seem to think growing some sort of facial hair is necessary. Its not, you wont get carted off to sly guy jail for keeping a smooth shaved face along with your sly bald head, and you will look much,much younger, better without the facial hair. And by god,please lets end the entire trend of long ass facial hair, regardless of weather the guy sporting it is sly or not. It just looks plain nasty, unkempt mess, even if you keep it well groomed. If you must  have facial hair, short neatly trimmed scruff looks best. Sorry if i offend anyone, its just my personal opinion.

Like I said, if I spent my time worrying and obsessing about what other people think, I'd never find anything that works for me. And neither would anybody else. Everybody always has opinions that are very, very different. That doesn't mean I don't care, because I do like feedback, but at the end of the day, what's most important is what I think. I don't particularly like the look of no facial hair on me, but it works for some people (not all though). I don't even think "stubble" is enough. I get mixed reactions around here on the beard, more of it seeming to lean toward "no beard," but in the real world, among real people that I know, people think that I look absolutely ridiculous without the beard. For you, it's pretty clear that you just don't like beards at all on anybody. And that's fine, but that also tells me that your opinion comes with that bias, just as there are people I know who think everybody should have beards have their own bias as well. I'm more or less indifferent myself and think they look good on some people and some just shouldn't have them.

Actually, its not a total bias, there are some people who i think look great with facial hair. But 100% of those are short, neatly trimmed stubble.  So, yeah ill own up to having a bias, and opinion informed by that bias. But its not a total bias against all facial hair.
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Offline slybeard

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2017, 02:01:25 PM »
Everybody has facial hair opinions and we do not all need to agree.  I think you longer beard look very good on you, but as said, the important thing is if you like it.  IMO, facial hair helps to balance out a shaved head.  But that are a lot of guys that look really good sly and without facial hair.

I normally encourage guys to give facial hair a try.  But just like trying on a shirt at the store, it does not mean you have to buy it.  It just takes longer to give a beard a try.  You have already tried a beard (with hair) and you seem to like it, so give it a try again now that you are sly and then decide which you like best.

My other suggestion is to keep a photo history of the beard growing out (weekly or so) and grow longer than you intend to keep.  Then when or if you are ready to cut it back, you will have photos at various lengths to help make your decision.

Also, the facial hair decision is never final - you can always change it up or go back to shaved.  Have fun with it.

Offline StillLurking

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2017, 02:08:19 PM »
To give my two cents... I agree with the last post; have fun with it!  Experiment, see what works, and try what you fancy.  I'm in a similar boat - I have a goatee, but I'm growing it to experiment with a fuller beard to "beard" my double chin.  (Losing weight has been a challenge - growing a beard isn't.)

My other opinion: I think the beard looks good on you.  You have very striking, piercing dark eyes, and the dark beard helps anchor them.

Offline skeeball

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Re: Just got to my 30th day of doing the 30 day rule the right way
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2017, 04:38:50 PM »
I've definitely been doing the frequent selfies. It sounds sort of weird but I like to take a picture of myself at least twice a week so that I can look back and see what does work for me and what doesn't. I've been doing it for a few years now, it's also what made me realize how much my hair has thinned in that time. I've gone back and found periods of months where I think to myself "what was I thinking," but that's not a bad thing because I know whatever I was doing then, don't do it again.