Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head

So, I wore a hat...

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Cave Dweller:
I was outside almost the entire day yesterday.  I wore a baseball cap the whole time.
This morning, my eldest pointed out that my dome was fine, but there was a definite line of demarcation showing I forgot to cover my neck or wear sunscreen.
It doesn't hurt, but I know it's going to peel.
I feel pretty stupid right now.

I hear you brother.  Happens to me when I play golf or some other outdoor fun.  Even when I wear sunscreen the cumulative effect of a few days out in the sun add up.  Of course it doesn't bother me.  I'd rather be outside playing something or grilling something.  Happy Sunday!

Hey Brother,
I have had the same problem, so what I do when I'll be outside for long periods of time is wear a hat with a neck drape. Outdoor Research makes a good one, I think it's called  Sun Runner. Looks a bit dumb compared to a cap but it beats sunburn.

Oh well, what's so bad about being a "redneck" ?

No red neck hairlines here yesterday, it rained hard all day!


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