Confidence and Success > Business/Work

Man... my job sucks!!!

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I have to go to Hawaii for 10 days at the end of November!  Everyone feel my pain...  ;D

That's just like my job.  I have to go to Vegas in January.

What island are you going to?

Okay rub it in a bit more.  My job takes me to exotic places like Iraq, and Korea.  I can’t complain too much I have also been to some pretty sweet places.


--- Quote from: ar3inc on November 09, 2006, 07:46:11 PM ---Okay rub it in a bit more.  My job takes me to exotic places like Iraq, and Korea.  I can’t complain too much I have also been to some pretty sweet places.

--- End quote ---

We all thank you for doing your guard work!  It's a very honorable job.

I forgot to mention the reason I'm going to Vegas is for the Consumer Electronics Show.  This also happens to be the same weekend as the AVN Awards... :o


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