Thanks for all the replies. I do try to tell myself that most people don't even notice it. It's just a crazy thing how it bothers me. I might try that Dermablend. How easy does it come off? I'm a naturally oily headed person, and without hair, it gets really oily so I normally wipe down a couple times a day.I have another question, also. Sometimes, after shaving, I will have red "pimple looking" dots. They go away after about 30 minutes. It doesn't happen all the time, and it doesn't matter if it's a new razor or older one. Before I go to bed at night, I clean my head with Witch Hazel and doctor the donor scars, so my head is always clean before lying down. Are these red dots common? What could be causing it? I've had razor rash on my face before, and it doesn't look anything like that. It's almost looks like ingrown hairs, but if it dissapears after 30 minutes, it can't be that.
During the week, yes. But not on weekends.
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