Discussions About Being Bald > Tattoos and Piercings

What your tattoos mean to you

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I'm a big believer that if you're going to get a tattoo or tattoos they should have meaning.  Not just, "well that looks cool".  I have 2 tattoos (and more planned).  The first one is a celtic cross.  This celebrates both my faith in my Lord Jesus Christ, as well as my celtic heritage.  The second is the Serenity Prayer.  Being part of a recovery ministry it has great significance to me. 

What do your tattoos mean to you?

Serenity Prayer didn't appear in the previous post.  Here it is:

I also think that tattoos should mean something to you otherwise it makes no sense getting the. I have one tattoo (also more planned) a guardian angel. When I was a kid I almost drowned, but something pushed me up and I survived, so I think it was my guardian angel. When I was 17 I got this tat and it really means a lot to me. It looks like this:


Sorry? I don't have an appropriate pic, but this one is very similar to mine

Sorry but i don't agree at all with the statement that a tattoo need to have a deeper meaning or there is no point in getting them. Almost all of my tattoos (except 2) I got because I like the way they look, I get a certain feeling when I look at them, it make me happy. It's art, I have someones ideas and thoughts on my body forever just that is reason enough to get them. Saying a tattoo needs to have a deeper meaning is like saying you can't buy a painting or a photogrph just becaue you like to look at it. Anyways i really like your tattoos.


--- Quote from: socknoggle on August 22, 2016, 10:57:10 AM ---Serenity Prayer didn't appear in the previous post.  Here it is:

--- End quote ---

Nice!...I really like your tattoo!


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