Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Miscellaneous

Shaved head with hair transplant scars

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I had my scars resurfaced with a laser, three or four treatments and they are not noticeable at all...


--- Quote from: sjd07 on August 10, 2016, 09:02:32 PM ---Just joined today,first off I want to thank the creators, moderators and members for this awesome site. I've seen nothing but encouragement and positivity for each other.

I've got scars on the back of my head and I'm looking for any advice that anyone would have in either getting rid of them or concealing them. I have tanned skin so I was thinking maybe permanent make up to match the scars a bit better to my skin type. Some kind of laser therapy or micro-dermabrasion? Kind've hoping some one that was in the same boat can share their experiences.


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A good SMP artist can make those transplant scars disappear!


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