Welcome, friend!There's nothing wrong with wearing a hat if you're going to be outside for a long time...I guess you have fear of reactions, I used to wear my hat a lot in the beginning, until I saw more and more guys not wear their hats. The big step was shaving, just give yourself time. Once you and others get used to it, it will be no big deal, and you can wear hats for protection and style and not so much for fear and shame. Good luck!
When I shaved my full head of hair nearly 3 years ago, I couldn't wait to show off my new look. Funny, I still feel the same way after my daily headshave. I will wear a hat in the winter, but it comes off as I enter a building. As many of us have said, nobody really cares as much as you think they do. Get rid of the hat, show off that smooth dome, the comments with soon stop. Just tell people you got a summer haircut.
Like RedDog, I'm BBC and when I shaved my head for the first time, I could not wait to show off my shiny head. I still feel the same way. I rarely wear a hat. A bald head just looks too good not to show it off. I also feel it is supportive of the guys who are BBN, showing that a bald head is a really nice style. I also put on some Head Lube Glossy to give my head just a little extra shine. Love that shiny look.
We're our own biggest critics. Once you put it aside and give yourself a couple of days, you'll find no one really cares if you're sly.
Your hat is your security blanket. I wore beanies for a week before I exposed my chrome dome to the world. You just have to feel ready and follow your own terms. I have a good friend who is bald that told me most people don't really care one way or the other. He was right.As far as criticisms from others are concerned you need to just not worry about it. I couldn't care less whether people like my being bald or not; however, I think it's great if they like the new look. Try taking the same stance and you should be fine. After a while people will get used to your new look whether they like it or not and move on.
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