Author Topic: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?  (Read 13339 times)

Offline shavingname

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Hi all,

I am struggling to get the guts to shave my head at the moment but i literally cant stop thinking about it and have been for weeks now. I even bought some clippers but i am worried that shaving my head will make me look old/balding.

I am not thinning all over, but i have receeded at the temples and it has gone all the way around my fringe leaving like an island at the front.

So currently i have short sides (about a 2 or less) and a shortish choppy on top that i tend to style in somewhat of a fauxhawk. Nobody seemst o notice that i am thinning behind the fringe but it is a constant worry for me any time it rains/windy and i am forever sweeping my hands up the sides of my fringe to make sure its up/covered.

I am posting pictures with my hair unstyled so that the thinning is more obvious, just take my word for it that nobody notices it when it is styled (except me, i think its painfully obvious every time i see a reflection). I am over 6 feet and fairly built.

Will a really short buzz just highlight the balding and make the island at the front look really daft? i was thinking a #0 or no guard cut all over. Kind of like the length of my stubble? Not sure if the headshape/type of mbp would suit it. I am in my early 30s if that makes any odds.

Thanks for any input.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 04:04:15 PM by shavingname »

Offline jbrit25

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 11:55:17 AM »
First you are balding, mate. But I assume that is why you are here. The good news is when you shave it down it will probably make you look younger. This what happened to me anyway. TBH I don't think its all that bad now. As short as you keep it, it will grow back quickly. I think it will suit you, so I say go for it.
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Offline shavingname

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 12:10:46 PM »
I appreciate the reply. I know there is the 'do it, you can always grow it back' option'; the problem is that when i do it, the island will be obvious and as it grows out it will be REALLY obvious and look really bad until it gets back to this length. If i were still a student i would happily take the plunge and just wear hats/stay in until it grew back. Unfortunately having a full time job in an office of hundreds means any mistake i make will be painfully obvious. Here is a pic of the hair as i would normally style it.

Offline jbrit25

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 12:27:28 PM »
Inside it looks fine. Does the sun make it more obvious when you are outside?
Roll Tide!

Offline shavingname

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 12:55:15 PM »
Hard to say, here in the uk we barely get any sun lol This is the first week of it this year! I notice it sometimes when i tilt my head to a mirror in a lit room, and nearly always if i take a photo to check on it in my paranoia. I know it looks fine to everyone else and i can get away with it. Its the worrying about it all the time that is just tiring, the only thing stopping me from buzzing it is the fact i have that island of unconnected hair that will become obvious. Had it been connected and just badly receeded temples i would happily have just buzzed and let grow back if i didnt like it. But that island will be really exposed when i buzz and especially when i am growing the hair out again if i dont like it.

Forgot to mention it gets obvious when it is windy or if my hair gets wet. When i have to get through bad weather i make my way straight to the nearest bathroom to make sure my patch isnt obvious.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 12:59:39 PM by shavingname »

Offline mrzed

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 01:48:30 PM »
I've seen it quoted many times here on SBG.

1. If you are young and you shave your head, you'll look older.

2. If you are old and you shave your head, you will look younger.

Both are probably desirable.

In either case, if you shave your head, you will look more confident and 'in charge' of the hair department.

There are enough guys here that are BBC (that's not a radio station/network), who will affirm that you don't need to be balding to shave your head. I'm BBC. Family genetics ... I'm not likely to ever be bald. I just like the look/style.  A friend at work is bald in the center and does not like the 1/2 bald look, so he shaves his head as well.

If your frontal patch bothers you ... go for it.  Shave your head.  It will be a good look.

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2016, 02:57:48 PM »
Thats looks kinda like how my hair started to go  O0 O0 O0. I live in the Island next door so i use about once a week some tanning moisture on my noggin , It's not tanned but it makes my head look healthy .The only advice i could give to you is what i would like to tell myself ten years ago . Do not waste a single hour or minute worrying about hair loss. It really is not worth it trust me . The world still goes on and your hair loss really is only an issue to the person losing it . For me shaving was a good call. I could move on with my life instead of staring at a mirror saying why me. If you do decide to shave just do it . If not make the best of your hair while you have it. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT because you will look back and say why did i waste so much time fretting .Go and enjoy life ,it's short enough as it is
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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2016, 03:48:42 PM »
I appreciate the reply. I know there is the 'do it, you can always grow it back' option'; the problem is that when i do it, the island will be obvious and as it grows out it will be REALLY obvious and look really bad until it gets back to this length. If i were still a student i would happily take the plunge and just wear hats/stay in until it grew back. Unfortunately having a full time job in an office of hundreds means any mistake i make will be painfully obvious. Here is a pic of the hair as i would normally style it.

I was in the same boat some years ago.  When you have a widow's peak that starts to break off into an island, there's really no option but to shave everything.  Buzzing it short makes it more obvious but shaving minimizes it to the extent possible.  In my experience and in the experience of many others here, workplace reactions are almost never an issue.  You're thinking about it all the time, so it's time to do it.  There will never be a perfect time; sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith.

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2016, 10:31:54 PM »
Well to be painfully honest - I don't think that your current hairstyle is doing much for your appearance -so what is there to lose?

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2016, 10:43:10 PM »

I agree... time to shave it all off!

Best of luck!

Oh, and I bet you'd be able to grow an awesome beard!

« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 12:36:11 AM by DoberDaddy »

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2016, 07:03:23 AM »
Id say shave it all off, dont just go to stubble, go for the razor shaved look. That way itll minimise the apprearance of the island of hair as you put it. Yes with your dark hair, there will still be some shadow, and youll likely have to shave every day, but itll look much better on you than the look you have now. Keep the facial stubblr though, it looks good on you. But go for razor shaved on your scalp.
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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2016, 06:44:10 AM »
Don't waste time and energy worrying about what people in your office will say or think.  Yes, you'll be nervous the first few days back at work.  Yes, some people will comment or ask questions.  But, people get over it really quickly because they are busy with their own lives and your hairstyle is just not in their top ten list of things to think about. 

As others have said, if you are at the stage where worrying about your hair is consuming a lot of your time and energy, it's time to shave it off completely.  From what you've written so far, I think you've hit the point where you should shave completely and regain control of your life.  Do the deed yourself or go to a good barber and have a professional shave give you a smooth shave.  Yes, it will be a dramatic change, but stick with it for 30 days so that you and everyone around you adjusts to your new appearance.  You will feel a sense of confidence and relief because the worrying will be over.

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2016, 07:41:28 AM »
Thats looks kinda like how my hair started to go  O0 O0 O0. I live in the Island next door so i use about once a week some tanning moisture on my noggin , It's not tanned but it makes my head look healthy .The only advice i could give to you is what i would like to tell myself ten years ago . Do not waste a single hour or minute worrying about hair loss. It really is not worth it trust me . The world still goes on and your hair loss really is only an issue to the person losing it . For me shaving was a good call. I could move on with my life instead of staring at a mirror saying why me. If you do decide to shave just do it . If not make the best of your hair while you have it. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT because you will look back and say why did i waste so much time fretting .Go and enjoy life ,it's short enough as it is

I couldn't agree more with this post, give it a try and don't worry about it!
First started shaving my head on the 9th October 2014

Offline shavingname

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2016, 06:00:29 PM »
Well i went and did it, a half guard all over (1/16th of an inch). I went to the barber today for this but am hoping to maintain it myself for the most part. Could anyone advise me on the best way to maintain my hair at this length but my facial hair at the same length too? I think being clean shaven would look odd with my hair so short, can i just use my hair clipper on my face? :|

I have the remington quickcut shaver:

If i keep it like this i am going to have to keep it this short else the island at the front will be even more pronounced. I was hoping to get away with maybe shaving twice a week on a sunday and wednesday.

Thanks for the help in gaining the courage to take the plunge guys.

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Re: Shaving to stubble when i have an island of hair at the front?
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2016, 07:33:42 PM »
That short cut suits your face and headshape well! If this is the look you prefer, shaving on Sunday and Wednesday should be enough.
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