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A very unexpected shift
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Topic: A very unexpected shift (Read 25333 times)
sly and bearded
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1003
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #15 on:
December 11, 2018, 12:36:59 PM »
You are so close why not commit to a complete shave and follow with a commitment to the 30 day rule. You will be amazed at the feeling of confidence this engenders.
Sly Bureau
Posts: 2036
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #16 on:
December 11, 2018, 12:47:38 PM »
Hi Dave. I have a full head of hair, and I shaved my head all of a sudden. Nobody knew I was thinking about it. So I immediately posted photos on Facebook and said "my new summer haircut" . I received almost all positive comments, including my (then) girlfriend.
When you're ready to give it a try, I would just say something like "I'm just finishing what mother nature started". I think you will look great sporting a shaved head. Be positive and own the look. I shave everyday and I can't wait to go somewhere and show it off! Believe me, after a few days, comments will stop, and you will realize nobody really cares what haircut you have.
Bald by choice, and loving it!
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1754
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #17 on:
December 11, 2018, 12:56:01 PM »
Try not to worry so much about comments or questions. In the end, no body really care what you do with your hair, it is just small talk. Most people that know you feel like they have to say something, so it is usually just the first think that comes to mind without thinking.
Team Sly
Posts: 110
Re: A very unexpected shift -- pretty took it all off tonight
Reply #18 on:
December 11, 2018, 10:58:45 PM »
I kept rubbing the grown out stubble and figured I'd reshave the sides with the 00000..0000 and took a 000 and 1 across the top. Feels great.
Sly Bureau
Posts: 2036
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #19 on:
December 12, 2018, 06:29:26 AM »
Better Dave. I can see a nice clean razor shave in your future. Nothing like the feel on a smooth shaved head. Ditch the hat and see what people say!
Bald by choice, and loving it!
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1754
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #20 on:
December 12, 2018, 06:42:28 AM »
You are going to like it. And you will really love it when you go razor blade smooth. The look will be similar and most people will not notice a difference - but the feel will be awesome.
Team Sly
Posts: 110
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #21 on:
December 13, 2018, 07:26:50 PM »
I busted out the clippers again on Tuesday and took the rest of the hair on top off. Getting use to the bald look. Re-shaved the sides today, but left the stubble on top.
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1658
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #22 on:
December 13, 2018, 10:01:07 PM »
what seems to me like you’re kind of dancing around the fire pit I mean my goodness you’re this close why don’t you want to experience that the incredible feeling of having a beautifully clean smooth head?
Team Sly
Posts: 110
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #23 on:
December 14, 2018, 03:35:15 PM »
Semi-Sly, Slybeard and Reddog,
Thanks guys for your input and encouragement. I bought some Mach 111 and shaving gel today and ordered exfoliating scrub from headblade. Last week when I shaved the sides and back I got a couple razor burns (used soap) and used whatever moisturizer I had which probably had alcohol in it as my head burned when I rubbed it on.
Yup dancing around the fire is right. I remember back before I started wearing a flattop I did the same damn thing. Finally I told myself to get a set of balls and just tell the barber to giving me a flattop as short as he could cut one.
All of you have said get it smooth and clean so before the weekend is over I'll post my bald shiny head. It's time to quite playing around and get the smooth shaved head I have been wanting for sometime. Heck it my head don't know why I am so reluctant. Heck I practically don't have any hair now who is even going to care or notice.
Thanks again!
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1629
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #24 on:
December 14, 2018, 04:32:55 PM »
Good for you. You will find the look is hardly any different than you see now. But that smooth feeling is the difference. And that is the best part. Just take your time shaving , and don’t become obsessive about getting it perfectly smooth the first few shaves. Give your scalp a chance to adjust , and it will .
If only all men lived by the "Golden Rule ."
Sly Bureau
Posts: 2036
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #25 on:
December 14, 2018, 05:16:29 PM »
Good luck Dave. After we all encouraged you so much, I hope you like it. I like the look of a shaved head on myself, but even more I like the feel of a totally bald head. Think about going for the 30 day rule. It takes that long to adjust to a bald head and get a good shaving routine down.
So, after you shave, wear some cool sunglasses, and to go a busy shopping area, and show off that badass new haircut!
Bald by choice, and loving it!
Team Sly
Posts: 110
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #26 on:
December 16, 2018, 07:43:15 AM »
Sly beginner,
Back and sides are shaved, told the barber bald fade sides shaved. Got the hot towel treatment felt amazing. Back and sides feel smooth. Talked about shaving my and head barber said your choice I wuzzed out.
Sly Bureau
Posts: 2036
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #27 on:
December 16, 2018, 08:37:19 AM »
Well, Dave, you will join us sly guys when you're ready. Until then, thinking about it will continue to be frequently on your mind.
You look good now. The average person looking at you now thinks you have a shaved head.
Bald by choice, and loving it!
Team Sly
Posts: 110
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #28 on:
December 16, 2018, 08:43:25 AM »
Thanks Reddog,
The back feels so damn smooth almost soft. Does your head skin get like skin on you chest feeling tougher? My other question is about SLY... nicknames...like Bureau, etc. Do I become member once I show it all shaved off?
Team Sly
Posts: 110
Re: A very unexpected shift
Reply #29 on:
December 17, 2018, 08:12:06 PM »
Hey Sly Guys,
A couple things I learned over the last couple of days.
1) Since I have worn a flattop, horseshoe flat and bald fade for over 20 years, most people already think of me as a guy who shaves his head.
2) Since getting a razor shaved bald fade on Saturday, I have gone to two Xmas get parties. At one there was about 15 people and tonight's about 25 people. I did not wear a hat and only two people commented on my haircut when I asked. Tonight when I was dropping my coat (went in with a cool looking Filson hat with a stag on it), I lifted it and ask the host hat on or off he said no hat your to classy a guy to wear a hat a a party. Remember I live in an upscale beach town where 75% of the residents are second home owners. On Saturday night I asked a buddy the same question at the party hat or off my hair is damn short, he replied it always short what is the difference.
3) Another comment I hear and believe it was a post from Reddog is if you think shaved heads look good you probably would enjoy shaving your head. For me I always notice the guy with the shaved head and think it looks damn good. On Saturday night a retired police officer Derrick was there and could not stop thinking how good his shiny smooth shaved head looked. For me I always notice a guy with a shaved head and think it rocks.
4) As for 2019 I was giving myself some new goals. One is I re-joined the gym this week after a two year hiatus. Was a gym guy all my life and got out of the habit. I've been back in 4 days and it feels great, but most of all, I really liked seeing my near shaved head when working out. Thus, the second goal is to become a Sly guy in 2019.
5) My barbershop is closed on Tuesdays and when there on Saturday I talked to him about shaving it all off. Told him about the 30 day challenge and he actually agreed it takes time to get use too. I am planning to go Wednesday to get shaved. I want to document the first all off shave with pics of hot towels and shaving cream.
As you guys know, I have been posting about getting bald for a couple weeks. After my experience this week and thinking about when I went flattop, my only regret was why the heck didn't I do it sooner. One life and one head to shave. Wednesday cannot get hear soon enough. Looking forward to posting my shaved knob.
Thanks again for all the comments and guys sharing their experience. Appreciate the site.
Sly in training.
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Confidence and Success
How to Build Confidence
A very unexpected shift