Discussions About Being Bald > Tattoos and Piercings

Still want an earring

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So I've been "lurking" with even a comment or two in the past on the piercing posts.  I've wanted an earring for a long time but haven't done it so far.  My wife is not on board with the whole idea- I even broached the subject last summer in a joking way.  She let me know in no uncertain terms that was not a good idea.  We have a great relationship- 32 years married- and with two grown children.  BTW, I'm 62, fully retired and active in church.  I'm very conventional in every other way except for my desire to have a piercing in my left ear. So I guess my question, if I have one, is- is there a way to get a piercing and have it just about invisible for the healing period?  I've read on other forums of some kind of retainers that are almost invisible.  Also, any advice to bring my wife around?  I love her more than life itself and would not want to hurt her, but this desire (obsession?) just won't go away.
Thanks for any suggestions you have.

Sir Harry:
Welcome back, Okie

I realize that (at least according to your previous posts) that you are very active in your church, and that's a good thing. However, your wife's concern may be the reaction of others but I would just have a talk with her and see why. That said, some fantasies in life sometimes may have to stay just that- fantasies. You may unfortunately have to give up your dream of an earring if it causes too much of an issue with your wife.

AJ Q-Ball:
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'm wanting and plan to get both of my ears pierced when I get out for summer break. I've been wanting some silver hoops to go along with the bald and bearded look.

The way I look at it with your wife is that it's not fair to you. I'm sure she has freedom to do what she wants with her hair for example and doesn't have to ask your permission. I feel like you should have freedom to get something as little as an earring. That's just coming from a single man FWIW.

I'm almost 63. Got my left ear pierced about 3 years ago. Your bio seems similar to mine.  I'll PM with some suggestions which may help.

I did not get too much push back from my wife. Our girls thought it was great. 

At church, there may be one or two other guys with an earring, so I'm not mainstream in that area, but I've not received negative push back.

To answer your specific question about healing ... Generally you need to leave the original piece of jewelry in place for 2 months for healing.  After that, there are some spacers which you can use to hold the piercing open, but look almost invisible.  You could try that. These are usually non-metal pieces.  More prone to infections, so not recommended during healing.

You might check this link,



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