Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Face Shaving

Way too many questions


I've noticed that over the last few years, I'm slowly starting to lose facial hair (seemingly permanently) - is this due to ingrown hairs?

I will shave (Maca Root Body Shop shaving cream with a Gillette Mach 5 razor) and then after the hair starts to grow back I will notice there are some areas that aren't coming in. I used to be able to grow a thick, full beard, and now it seems like there are small patches starting to crop up. Under the chin. Near the ear. Upper lip. It sucks. And I don't know what is causing it or what I can do to fix it?

Should I NOT be using 5 razors? Should I try something new like Harrys? Do I need a different kind of cream? What about after shave or lotion (I never use)?

My head has been having issues lately - bumps cropping up and the blades are starting to hurt. The first few days shaving (I do it Monday -> Friday then usually take a break on the weekends) are usually good, then it starts to hurt. No cuts or bumps or anything, but it just feels like I'm damaging the skin. I'm 31 and have been shaving my head since 27 and don't want to do any more damage I might have already caused.

I usually don't use any sort of lotion or oils after shaving (which is in the morning, in the shower, in hot water, for about 10 minutes), and my skin is very dry initially. Then, by lunchtime, it's so oily from my skin that I have to rub it down in the bathroom on a paper towel, or I can just let it stay and then by the time work is over, my head is super shiny.

Maybe I need to stop shaving in the shower? (But it's so warm and pleasant and my morning routine = /)

Maybe I need to go to 1 blade like men did for centuries?

How often do you change your blades?

Every week, which is 5 shaves


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