Discussions About Being Bald > Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald

Is Going Sly a "Gateway Drug"?

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I think MPB leads to low self esteem and we do not realize it.  Then when we go sly, we look in the mirror and realize we don't look so bad after all.  This new realization gives us the boost we need to make other positive changes as well.  For me, it was loosing weight and getting back to the gym.

I was always the guy that said if I ever started losing my hair I'd have a hair transplant. I was really vain about my hair. Hated it when people would mess it up or the wind would mess it up. They say your hair pattern follows your moms dad, that being said my grandpa has always been cul-de-sac bald! Ha. I knew I was destined for losing my hair. I truly could imagine life without it. Since shaving my head it's given me the realization that there's more important things in life then having hair. I wouldn't have it any other way. I think those of us who are 'fortunate' to be sly have it figured out! I'm not sure that going sky has led to anything else (already have tattoos, no piercings cause I'm in a white collar profession) but I do think it definitely adds a new 'pep to my step' being sly just looks bad ass! Lol

Similar to what some people have already said, I think there's been a confidence boost thats a gateway drug for me working out more.  I look in the mirror now and see the shaved head and beard and am satisfied.  Then I look down at my chest and arms and think to myself "Man, I've got to bring these up to spec!"

I'm running one of the obstacle races in may so its good timing to want to get more fit and build muscle.

Mr Jules:
Absolutely! Once you start shaving your head, other adventures start. A month after shaving my head, I added my first beard which has changed shape and size, a few times. Then piercings. Then a tattoo. Then a waxed handlebar moustache. Lately, I've grown my goatee even bigger. And it all started here with the 30 day SBG shave trial. Thanks ! Now I'm stuck with this look !

Haha this is so true. I never wanted a tattoo before, but I kinda wouldn’t mind a shoulder/upper arm piece now that I’m bald. Doubt that would fly with the wife  ;D


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