Author Topic: having a bad day — scared  (Read 16178 times)

Offline getreal

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having a bad day — scared
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:16:25 PM »
Hi, sorry for another whiny post. I don't have anyone else to talk to about this. I just worked for over an hour on my concealer and I can't get it to look right. I'm missing an important meeting with a friend I care about because I took so much time. I'm searching for flaws and I think it just looks matte and weird. But I'm not ready to go sly yet. I intend to go sly in the spring and knowing that relief is coming makes me feel better, but I can't cope right now. 

After my last post I was told "You need to build confidence", "You have to love every part of yourself" and "You have to let go of what you are afraid to lose". I'm really heeding that. I quit drinking last week (also afraid to lose that crutch). And I'm telling myself every morning: You are going to be fine. You are a cool sly guy underneath that hair, waiting to break out. You're a man, not a kid. You can handle this. Finding this site has made a big difference, but right now I'm having a setback. I was looking at pictures of myself shaved from the past and current pictures and my stomach is just twisted in knots thinking that I can't realistically grow it back out if I shave it (the concealer won't work on very short hair). I don't know if I will like it and I'll be stuck with the sly look for years, or forever. The perceived irreversibility and my current problems are scaring me right now.

Please give me a little more encouragement. Sorry I am just not man enough to do this yet. Thanks a lot, wishing everybody a nice evening.



Offline john.peachie

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2015, 11:49:37 PM »
As humans we are resistant to change, and have become accustomed to, too many conveniences...I don't want to watch this show, I'll change the channel...this color does not look good on me, I'll choose this one instead....

But when that ability to choose is threatened or taken away altogether anxiety can consume you....the power went out, what can I do....the internet connection flight has been canceled...

Looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing this is something you really don't have control over...choices taken away or will feel anxious, but you still have a choice, a fight with mother nature that you will not win, or take the initiative and choose to have thinning hair, or a shaved head.  The burden is not yours to carry, if someone has a problem with the way you look, it's THEIR problem, don't make it yours.

I think the best way I can describe my journey is like a tug of war....when I was pulling the rope and struggling against an opponent twice my size/strength (aka Nature), and then I decided to just let go, or even 'push' the rope, who won?  My opponent is on his ass stunned and confused while I am still standing with a very satisfied smirk on my face and NOT covered in mud.  Yes, he won the match, but only because I chose to make it happen.

As for your appearance...if it's a burden on your friends, it will be there burden, don't let it become yours, or you will be getting pulled into the mud pit from an opponent you cannot beat.

I hope this helps, the coffee hasn't kicked in so I'm not running on all my cylinders at the moment.

Good luck to you, and we are always here!!


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Offline jbrit25

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 06:07:58 AM »
I'm sorta starting to think that you are a troll poster. If you just quit drinking maybe you should focus on that and not your hair.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 06:13:03 AM by jbrit25 »
Roll Tide!

Offline MunkyMunk

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2015, 04:57:03 PM »
Dude, it's not that you're not "man enough yet."
You are seeking to make many changes to yourself in a short amount of time. That is scary. Truth.

I get scared all the time. So many folks are walking around today feeling like a fraud. Feeling like "if people knew the truth about me, they'd stop respecting me" or "I feel like I'm just pretending to be a grown-up and people are going to find out that I have no idea what I'm doing." So many people are afraid, but they don't share it with other people; they just keep it bundled up inside. Then they take it out on other people as anger caused by insecurity.

You're aware of your feelings and you're expressing them to other people. That's grown up, and that's brave. That's being a "man." You're a man, period. You're man enough, whatever kind of man you are.

We all have insecurities. We all have failings. We all have things that we're ashamed of, or afraid of, or that we're running away from.

We're all broken in one way or another. We all need help.

I'm glad you're here and I'm glad you're talking about these things.

I'd advise you to go slow. It's easier to make changes if you make them one at a time and let each change settle down before you stir the pot again.

And above all, be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for your human failings.

Look at yourself from outside yourself and talk to yourself the way you would talk to a beloved friend who was trying to learn some difficult new task.

Offline nick2401

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2015, 05:07:17 PM »
Question: Why can't you go sly now? What is stopping you? Is it winter? I live in Canada and with  a good touque winter can be a warm experience.

If hair ( or lack thereof) is what is really holding you back, take control. Now. Not tommorrow. Not in 6 months. Now.

Offline SlyMike

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2015, 08:55:15 AM »
Why not just try it, it will always grow back if you don't like it, yes it is a big step but lots of us have been there and got through it.

Try the shorter buzz cut for a bit and then go the whole hog, it's possible people won't even notice,  don't think anyone at work did for me, and I absolutely love being sly, it's awesome!
First started shaving my head on the 9th October 2014

Offline Marc_ldn

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2015, 09:14:25 AM »
Hi, sorry for another whiny post. I don't have anyone else to talk to about this. I just worked for over an hour on my concealer and I can't get it to look right. I'm missing an important meeting with a friend I care about because I took so much time. I'm searching for flaws and I think it just looks matte and weird. But I'm not ready to go sly yet. I intend to go sly in the spring and knowing that relief is coming makes me feel better, but I can't cope right now. 

After my last post I was told "You need to build confidence", "You have to love every part of yourself" and "You have to let go of what you are afraid to lose". I'm really heeding that. I quit drinking last week (also afraid to lose that crutch). And I'm telling myself every morning: You are going to be fine. You are a cool sly guy underneath that hair, waiting to break out. You're a man, not a kid. You can handle this. Finding this site has made a big difference, but right now I'm having a setback. I was looking at pictures of myself shaved from the past and current pictures and my stomach is just twisted in knots thinking that I can't realistically grow it back out if I shave it (the concealer won't work on very short hair). I don't know if I will like it and I'll be stuck with the sly look for years, or forever. The perceived irreversibility and my current problems are scaring me right now.

Please give me a little more encouragement. Sorry I am just not man enough to do this yet. Thanks a lot, wishing everybody a nice evening.

Its taken me over 20 years to decide to shave my hair and stop fighting.
Best thing i've ever done.
I love my shaven head and my girlfriend loves it also.
At first she said its like my bum.
But after a while and her having to kiss it everyday haha she now loves it

Offline getreal

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2015, 12:20:52 PM »
Thank you so much for your comments, guys. They make a world of difference for me. Nowadays I alternate between moments of dread and others of acceptance and even happy anticipation of going sly.

I'm trying to think of myself as sly already: would a confident bald guy wear this, would he hold himself in this way? I remember to sit up straight and practice the confidence I'll need to have when talking with people.
Nobody in my workplace is sly or even has short hair. It will stand out a lot, and it would seem even crazier to start shaving in the winter I think.

I wish spring were here. My plan is to do it just as I go on vacation, get some sun on it (to help hide the contrast between the thick and nearly hairless areas) and get used to it before heading back to the office to reveal the new me.  So approximately May 1. What do you think? I'm counting on you guys to help me see it through. Maybe I'll tell a couple close friends IRL to make sure I don't chicken out.

Offline DavidA2571

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2015, 08:48:26 PM »
Stop being such a pussy. 

Offline reddog

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2015, 08:09:39 AM »
I've always liked being a little different than the rest. I loved showing off my shaved head everywhere I went. If you are the only one in the workplace with a smooth dome, enjoy the extra attention you'll get.

Yes, it's darn cold on the noggin in the winter. I wear a furry hat, but remove it immediately upon entering a building. Spring is a long time to contemplate shaving it off, you might find it consumes way too much of your time. The only way to remedy that is too just shave it.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline nick2401

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2015, 03:32:49 PM »
I live in Ottawa Canada when the temp can dip to -40C (same in F). Come mid October- November I always bring a hat ( just like everyone's mother always told them) and it is fine. Like reddog said: Get a hat to wear outside and remove when you enter. Also if your work place or home is chilly look into getting a small beanie to just give you that extra warmth. Waiting 5 months to go sly when you are this upset with how you look is a foolish idea. Take the plunge. Do it. Enjoy it. It is December 1st! There won't be much of a tan anyway.

Offline MunkyMunk

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2015, 07:35:41 PM »
The first couple of days after I shaved my head for the first time, I was cold!
But after that, I've been surprised by how little the cold is really affecting me. My bald head has adjusted and now, except for the coldest days, I'm not really much colder than I was before I shaved my head.
I keep a beanie with me in my backpack, but most days I don't even use it.
Go for it!

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2015, 07:47:40 PM »
Stop being such a pussy. 

I know that you didn't mean to be hard on the guy, but let's lighten up on him. Not everyone can just jump up and shave overnight. Everyone in their own time.
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Offline PDXGuy

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2018, 03:05:49 AM »
Okay I went bald again this week and committed for 30 days. I am calling it the 30 day bald challenge. Today there was stubble shaving every three days.


Offline slybeard

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Re: having a bad day — scared
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2018, 06:18:09 AM »
You can do it @PDXGuy

I know you really want to based on your other postings.  Just set your goal (which you have done) and stick with it.