Author Topic: Ingrown Hairs  (Read 8002 times)

Offline seb6177

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Ingrown Hairs
« on: November 06, 2015, 09:08:57 PM »
Hello everybody,

My name is Shawn.  About two years ago I began shaving my head.  I really want to have a bald head because it looks so much better than having male pattern baldness.  Only there is one problem that is preventing me from having a bald head.  That problem is ingrown hairs.  Ever since I started shaving my head about 2 years ago I have been struggling with this problem.  I will shave my head and after awhile I will get razor bumps.  Often times these razor bumps become infected and grow into big boils that look so utterly terrible.   They generally appear on the back of my head and neck but do show up on other areas of my head as well.  I tried a huge multitude of different style razors and razor creams including the special bump stopper razor blades.  I continually got ingrown hairs.  I started only going with the grain.  Still get ingrown hairs.  I decided it was impossible for me to shave and tried using an electric razor on the lowest setting.  I still got ingrown hairs.  I actually bought the Braun series 7 because I read on multiple sights it is good for people who are prone to ingrown hairs but I still got ingrown hairs and razor bumps.  I even went to a dermatologist multiple times and got multiple prescriptions that work for a little bit and then stop working and I get the ingrown hairs again.  I have been on and off antibiotics multiple times due to needing them when my ingrown hairs become infected.  I really want to have the bald look but I am coming to the point where I don't know if it is possible.  Do any of you have any suggestions on ways to prevent ingrown hairs that maybe I haven't used yet?  Have any of you guys been through similar circumstances?  I am desperate.

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 10:27:52 PM »
I have clipper shaved several African American men who have trouble with bumps and ingrown hairs.  Many of them have the same trouble even with an electric razor.  I clipper shave them with an Andis professional T-trimmer. It is a close to a shave as you can get and it looks really good.

So, I think that you will have to be satisfied with giving yourself a clipper shave twice a week with a professional trimmer - and I think that you will like it!

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2015, 10:44:53 PM »
Welcome, Shawn!

First, how often do you shave? If you shave everyday, you may need to cut back to like every other day. However, if you shave like every 5-6 days, that may be too long of a gap, giving the hairs time to curl back into the skin and cause irritation when you cut over it again.

Second, what do you use on your scalp after you shave? Alcohol will dry the scalp up. I usually rub my head with an ice cube after I shave (or you can just run ice cold water over your scalp for a few minutes). This opens the pores and keep them from clogging causing razor bumps. What kind of aftershave do you use?

Third, A bald head can be a dirt zone if it comes in contact with dirty things. How often do you wash your bed wear (pillowcases)? Do you wear a lot of hats, and if so do you keep them clean and free of built-up dirt?

Lastly, have you tried Bump Patrol in the blue bottle? It usually clears up bumps within 3-5 days. Also, do you oil your clippers between uses? Dirty clippers can cause breakouts too if not maintained.

This is just a starter list, but if you can tell me a little more about your situation, we can offer even further suggestions. A picture would also help. Again, welcome and best of luck to you.
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Offline seb6177

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2015, 07:30:40 PM »
Thanks for replying.  To answer your questions:
1. I would say I probably shave on average every other day
2.  I generally do not use anything after the shave, just wash my head in the shower.
3.  I wash my pillow sheet on average every 3 days.  And I do wear a lot of hats and I guess I really don't do anything to keep them clean.  I actually wear a hard hat at work as well.
4.  I just bought the bump patrol very recently and haven't used it to much extent yet. 
5.  My shaver recently bought self cleans in a little holder thingy.  Before that I wasn't oiling the razor I had but I was cleaning it.

Thanks again for replying!!

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2015, 07:55:27 PM »
Thanks for replying.  To answer your questions:
1. I would say I probably shave on average every other day
2.  I generally do not use anything after the shave, just wash my head in the shower.
3.  I wash my pillow sheet on average every 3 days.  And I do wear a lot of hats and I guess I really don't do anything to keep them clean.  I actually wear a hard hat at work as well.
4.  I just bought the bump patrol very recently and haven't used it to much extent yet. 
5.  My shaver recently bought self cleans in a little holder thingy.  Before that I wasn't oiling the razor I had but I was cleaning it.

Thanks again for replying!!

I also work at a place where hard hats are required. Myself and a few other guys that shave their head usually wear a stocking cap under the hard hat to prevent the sweat and dirt from the hardhat coming in contact with the skin.

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Offline rodey201

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2015, 03:41:42 AM »
Try showering before you shave and whilst in the shower, rub a little shaving cream into your hair and leave it for a few minutes then rinse. I find this works wonders for softening the hair. Also, have you considered using a de safety razor? They're a little trickier to use than a cartridge razor but are less likely to give you ingrown hairs as they only have a single blade

Offline jbrit25

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2015, 08:25:26 AM »
I had an issue with ingrown hairs/bumps as an every other day shaver. I started going everyday and I have only the occasional bump. I have found that if I take and Aspirin and wet it, then rub it between my fingers to make a paste, and then rub the paste on the bump, it makes it clear up really fast, typically in 2 days. I do the paste before bed and give it some time to dry.
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Offline gwsmallwood

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Re: Ingrown Hairs
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2015, 03:05:49 PM »
I've been fighting folliculitis for years, and after about 6 months of experimenting, I've finally found a manageable routine.

-I wash my head twice a day with simple Neutrogena soap.
-I stay away from hats.
-I shower after I shave.
-I shave with cold water
-I use Tend Skin twice a day
-I use Nivea Creme moisturizer once or twice a day.


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