First of all, don't let comments from other people bother you to that extent. It's not easy but you have to learn to develop a thicker skin. People say these things to try to control l you -- to get you to do what THEY want you to do. Don't give anyone that kind of power over you. Second, I'm sure you look fine. I wouldn't consider surgery under any circumstances. If you're not happy with your jawline, try growing a beard to cover it up.
I kept my cool at that moment, 'jokingly' kicking him and stuff.
My friend (a girl) commented on how "I looked like a forty year old man going to pick up my kids from school" when she saw me for the first time with a shaved head and beard (I'm only 3 weeks into this). I'm 24 mate. Sometimes people don't realize what they are saying. Shes a fantastic person/friend so I took it lightly (i mean do look older). Just don't let it get to you. If you stay healthy and keep in shape (lift those weights), and dress sharp, you have nothing to fear.
Hey man this is my first post. But I feel you.As someone stated above, a beard well help define your jawline. If you are able to grow one Id suggest playing around with it. As someone with a relatively weak jawline this has helped me a lot. My jawline is wider now and more defined.Plus it takes away the uniformity of a bald head and face/neck. It works great in my opinion.My friend (a girl) commented on how "I looked like a forty year old man going to pick up my kids from school" when she saw me for the first time with a shaved head and beard (I'm only 3 weeks into this). I'm 24 mate. Sometimes people dont realize what they are saying. Shes a fantastic person/friend so I took it lightly (i mean do look older). Just don't let it get to you. If you stay healthy and keep in shape (lift those weights), and dress sharp, you have nothing to fear.