Discussions About Being Bald > Sly Bald Gals - Women's Corner
--- Quote from: rss114 on August 27, 2014, 01:05:31 AM ---I'm sure my mom would be envious of all you Sly lades she has always wanted super short hair but can't because my dad hates short hair on woman so she settles for shoulder length
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It always makes me feel kinda sad when a woman wants really short hair and she's held back by a man who has so many privileges he doesn't even recognize! For example, men can go topless outdoors without a second thought on a hot day (we women get arrested), men don't have to shave anything if they don't want to and can still appear socially appropriate (do men realize how much work it is to shave our legs and keep them stubble-free?)...the list goes on and on.
I guess I feel more and more like "if my (hypothetical) man doesn't like my body in whatever state it's in, he's going to have to deal." Otherwise, women should have the same right to tell their SO's what they want them to look like down to every last detail and men should feel obligated to fulfill their wishes....and not too many men are going to want to play that game!
Makes me feel like I'm more and more happy to stay single even in my mid-30's.
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