Author Topic: Red marks/freckles on head  (Read 3221 times)

Offline j.wiffen

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Red marks/freckles on head
« on: June 29, 2014, 07:37:15 AM »
Hi there

I have been bald for many years now (I'm 27). However in recent months I have noticed a number of red marks (look like freckles) on my head (see attached picture). I have never noticed these before (therefore they weren't there as I would have noticed them). I just wanted to check if you thought they were definitely just freckles. I did mention it at a recent doctors appointment a couple of months ago, and he just said it was because the sun was starting to come out (back in April) and that I had very fair skin. It is true to say that I do have freckles on the rest of my body and always have. However I'm just a bit paranoid because I've never noticed it before. Also I'm not a 'sun person' at all really. The only time I spend outside is walking to/from places...I don't sun bathe etc. Besides its the UK as well, so never that sunny!

Thanks for reading. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Offline slymyke

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Re: Red marks/freckles on head
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2014, 07:57:07 AM »
I think the best thing to do is keep an eye on it.  Don't freak out but just notice if any of them change in size or formation.  There are other spots that develop on skin as we get older, and most of them are not a health concern.  The top of the head is tender from being covered with hair for years, and if you have fair skin this may be greater for you.  I have gotten a lot of spots on my head since shaving and have noticed they fade quite a bit in winter, so the Doctor is probably right with what he said about the sun.  Use sunscreen to minimize this effect.

Offline Mike E. P.

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Re: Red marks/freckles on head
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 08:29:33 PM »
You should feel good that your doctor said they were nothing. My shoulders and back are covered in freckles from years of over exposure to the sun. I definitely don't want the same situation on my head so I make sure I wear a hat if I am out in the sun for extended time or I wear sun screen. My face definitely has more spots and freckles in the summer months when I am in the sun more, but they also tend to fade when winter comes. I get checked out once a year at the dermatologist to make sure none of these freckles ( and I have a lot of moles) turns into anything serious.
Bronx bald and bred!