Author Topic: Anyone else with big pointy head?  (Read 4628 times)

Offline karlton

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Anyone else with big pointy head?
« on: June 23, 2014, 01:45:54 PM »
Hi guys,
  I was hoping to get some support. I have been slowly losing my hairline since my early twenties. I am now 36. I thought I would try to buzz it down, so I can at least feel like I have a good exit strategy when I lose more ground.
 Honestly, I couldn't hate it more. I really can't stand my big forehead and pointy protrusions on top of my head. I feel like I would need to work out a lot more just to barely to pull off the whole Jason Statham look.
I like the idea of a clean buzz, but I can't seem to get used to it.
Do any of you other guys have long heads, big foreheads, or pointy heads? I'm feeling uniquely odd looking here.

PS How do you attach pics on this forum? I couldn't figure it out.

Offline Mike E. P.

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Re: Anyone else with big pointy head?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 02:39:29 PM »
Hey Karlton,

If you read around the forum, you'll find lots of guys who have struggled with the shape of their heads. Most of the time I have thought that the shapes of their heads were just fine. I think we are overly critical of ourselves and what we see in the mirror is not what others see. I have always thought that my head was much too big for my short body and that it is lumpy and misshapen. Everyone tells me it's my imagination, so I am going to believe that! I also don't spend a lot of time examining myself in the mirror or dwelling on my big head - lol.

When I was losing my hair, my forehead looked huge, but I think a shaved head eliminates that look. There is no hair to define the forehead. I am sure you probably look like the rest of us. And no one needs the pressure of having to look like Jason Statham!

When I attach a pic, I click on "additional options" underneath the message box when I am replying. You can then choose a file to attach. Beware of the maximum attachment size allowed.

Welcome to the Forum, Karlton!
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Offline slymyke

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Re: Anyone else with big pointy head?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2014, 04:37:42 PM »
Welcome, Karlton! 

I think Mike is right...when a head is completely shaved, there is no hair to outline it anywhere.  Somehow, this seems to make a lot of imperfections disappear and makes head shape less noticeable.    It kinda makes me think of how women wear an all black dress to hide their imperfect figures.. but if they have an awesome figure, it seems to show it off too.  -fashion voodoo!

If you want to add a profile pic go to the orange Profile tab at the top, then on the left click on Forum Profile Information.  You may have to make your pic smaller if it exceeds the limits.  Sometimes, I have to do that part twice.

When you have a pic downloaded, scroll down to the bottom and click the tab on the bottom right "Change Profile". 

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Anyone else with big pointy head?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 03:02:19 PM »
Welcome, Karlton! As the others have stated, heads tend to look less pointy when shaved. That said, as far as attaching a pic, if your photos are too large to attach, you can always download Irfanview for free and then reduce the size as needed. Good luck!
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