Sly Bald Guys Info > Site Suggestions
How Should We Promote Sly Bald Guys?
Sorry about the delay in replying with this. haven't been on if a few days.
I'll get the graphics outlined and cut one. Doing custom cutting is sometimes tricky. As soon as I get it done, I'll put it on my truck and post a pic.
Would like a flyer to print off and maybe a monthly contest.
Best shaved dome wins some shave oil or blades or something.
We could print off flyers announcing the contest that members could print off and post on local bulletin boards, along with the SBG website URL.
It cant lose!!!
I have been going through some old posting, early 2006, and I notice there was a convention or advertising plan then. What ever happen with those plan. I remember back in the early 90's there was a group of Flatop men that used to get together every year for their annual Flatop convention. That disappear too. I am new to all this as you all might have read my posting, but I am truely becoming a bald lover. If you guys are really interested in promoting and recruiting more guys to the bald look, well lets get working on it. We need to get together and work toward the goal of 1000 bald head. Suggestion:
It's going to be 4 months since I shaved my head bald. I have attempted to let me hair growout twice only to fail twice. I can truely say I'm bald for life. However, in these 4 months, I have been thinking about recruiting the bald population of this area into a group, club or whatever it may turn out to be. I have successfuly recruited 5 guys who are truely hardcore slybaldguys and are willing to make something of it. We have to begin somewhere, but I'm not sure whether you guys are serious about getting the national recognition you want. If only we could all setup a recruiting campaign to make this organization a more nationaly recognizable organization. How about it guy. Should we promote SlyBaldGuy by activly recruiting out in the open?
I like usmcpelon's idea about actively recruiting and though this may seem over the top, could you send a promotional pack to notable sly celebs e.g Vin Diesel, Steve Wilkos etc.. and do something with this?
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