Author Topic: why dont i keep it?  (Read 2395 times)

Offline palmerproject

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why dont i keep it?
« on: March 15, 2014, 10:12:49 AM »
so if you read my last post you would know that i let my hair grow this last winter because i work in the cold. so know that winter is over i decided it was time to shave it again. and the one thing i notice is for some reason i feel more confident bald (I'm BBC for now) then i ever have with hair. and its promoting me to do a lot of good tings in my life. for example. since i want to keep it smooth and shave it before work (which i have to be at by 6:00 AM) i get up earlier and shave and i am much more awake when i get there which feels great, since going back to SLY i have also been hitting the gym more cause i have noticed that people look at better bald when they are in shape, and i also went out and bought some nicer clothes for when i go out, because another thing i have noticed is bald people look allot better in hen they are wearing lets say a nice button up shirt instead of a tee shirt and a hoodie when they go out. and the best part is I FEEL GREAT BALD!!! I've gotten allot of compliments from the people i work with saying that it really suits me and my job ( its a athletic job) and also one of my friends at work noticed that my hair was receding not horribly bad unevenly and she said i should just keep it bald. i the goal is instead of going the 30 days I'm going to try a year. i just feel like this who i really always have been! has anyone else experienced this change in attitude and just lifestyle in happiness going SLY or am i just crazy? hahaha  8)

sly for life!!!

Offline reddog

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Re: why dont i keep it?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 10:48:59 AM »
No, you are not crazy, I feel the same way. Only I tried several times to grow my hair back for the cold Minnesota winter, but after 2 or 3 weeks, I shaved again. You can really tell when you have drafty windows at home, the back of your head can really feel it. Actually wore a stocking hat in the evening while watching TV!

I'm not sure why some of us feel an attitude change when sly, it's not that I feel tougher. In my case, I know it takes a lot of guts to wear this style, and many more wish they did.

I pay more attention to how I dress. Dark or black shirts seem to look the best. I also like a bright color(lime green or orange) shirt in the summer when I get really tan.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline Mike E. P.

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Re: why dont i keep it?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2014, 01:43:24 PM »
I am NOT BBC, but I shave my head and embrace my baldness. I do enjoy shaving my head and I feel good being bald. While I did not have control over losing my hair, all other things in my life, I do have control of. So I choose to stay fit, to dress well, and to be well groomed. All of this combined with my bald head helps me feel good about myself.

Red dog, I have drafty windows, too, so I pull up my hoodie when watching TV!
Bronx bald and bred!