Gentlemen, thank you for your responses! It makes me feel fantastic to hear baldness is working for you! And it is not just working for you. It's rocking for you! Yes, baldness my friends is a huge advantage! Being bald is a gift and I am reminded by it everyday.
Every bald guy, every single one of them can live attractive, healthy, successfull bald life. There is no exception. I don't care if you are 11 and you are bald. Great days lie ahead of you! Of course with one condition: you choose attractive life!
Let me tell you guys few examples of how baldness worked for me.
First let's start on a funny note

, but it wasn't that funny than for me. Before I loosed my hair, I was a looser and virgin! Yes, I was a virgin until I was 21! That is pretty exceptional! Ha, ha, ha! You don't see that anymore. But I wasn't happy about that than. I didn't want to be virgin! No guys want to be virgins until that late! I thought I was a pretty guy with hair, body and everything. Well guess what non of the girls I was interested in were interested in me. I was a timid guy who played by the rules. And I thought I had it all until......well I loosed all my hair in 2 years. These were very turbulent years of my life, but created a bulletproof confidence and great life I have now.
There is a lot of hair scratching when you start loosing hair. You notice it first time and cold sweat pours on your forehead! I got seriously scared. O my! And I am still a virgin! I will die as a virgin! Who is going to want me without hair! Nobody! That was my answer.
As months rolled in and I entered some of my most difficult period of my life when I loosed a family member, things got very bad for me mentally and I felt very sorry for myself. And I hated being bald and tried to cover it however I could. Now what is interesting, when I turned 23 in the gloomy vintner in Eastern European miserable weather I hit the lowest point of my life and literally bounced from that bottom and never turned back.
I don't know what exactly happened in my head, but I cut my hair short, very short 3 mm or so, looked in the mirror and said loud that I am not going ever to feel sorry for myself. I had things to do, I had to deal with a lot of crisis in my life. I had to put that emotional and physical energy into better use. And I did.
Since that day I never found my bald head being a problem. I got incredibly fit, I builded bulletproof confidence and started really enjoying life. Becoming a bald man early in my life was one of the best think ever happened to me! It really creates an incredible attractive advantage in your life if you let it. And you must let it! It's like a wilderness fire. If you let it go out of control and start fighting it, it can seriously destroy your attractive life. We do it to ourselves guys. And I urge you to never enter a war with your hair loss. It's a senseless war nobody ever won. And there is no reason to fight it. Baldness is your advantage! Period!
Since my 23rd birthday, my life became attractive! The day I cut my hair short, my attractive, healthy, bold life just started. I dated some really attractive women, I became confident, I succeeded in everything I ever wanted to. I love my bald head. And seriously, if I didn't lose my hair and still had my old "beautiful" hair, I would still be a virgin

and a looser who only buys into conventional popular culture.
And I want the same for you my fellow bald man. Don't fight it. Use to your advantage! Your bald head is your incredible advantage!