Various Non-Bald Discussions > Military/Serviceman

Happy Veterans' Day!

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Yes, I'd like to add my gratitude, also.  Veterans and current servicemembers, thank you for your service.

Here's a question that slides back into SBG territory.  Since 2001, servicemen (that's as in men, not generic) have been allowed to shave their heads.  Does anyone know what percentage of soldiers, etc. are SLY?  From photos I've seen from Iraq, it seems like a fairly large percentage (at least it was in that region).  I'm just curious.

Thank you for your service

Sir Harry:

--- Quote from: EarlBald on November 11, 2013, 07:01:06 PM ---Yes, I'd like to add my gratitude, also.  Veterans and current servicemembers, thank you for your service.

Here's a question that slides back into SBG territory.  Since 2001, servicemen (that's as in men, not generic) have been allowed to shave their heads.  Do anyone know what percentage of soldiers, etc. are SLY?  From photos I've seen from Iraq, it seems like a fairly large percentage (at least it was in that region).  I'm just curious.

--- End quote ---

Earl, thanks for the shout-out...To answer your last question, service members (mostly African Americans) have been shaving their heads as early as the the mid 1990's (when Michael Jordan was in his heyday)...Most of the time, guys, regardless of race, would shave their heads (not necessarily with a razor) if they were going to be on maneuvers or away
from civilization during an extended period. As far as the Iraq/Afghanistan periods which have been going on for more than a decade, here's a short, obvious list as to why shaved heads are so common over there:

1. MPB. Toupees and hairpieces are not allowed unless they are used to cover up some scarring, and I think you need your commander's approval. Further, given that you have to wear a kevlar outside of the compound, in most cases the kevlar wouldn't fit properly anyway (Some guys just simply buzz their horseshoe close)

2. Hot temperatures

3. The substandard sanitary conditions in those places. While showers and hygiene necessities are kept available (via the PX), sometimes a mission can keep you away from your home base for several days. Short haircuts and shaved heads are somewhat easier to keep up, also barbershops were not as easily accessible (although there were more on my second trip to Iraq than my first one five years prior)

4. Most servicemembers just like the look and it gives them more time to focus on other things (though you still have to keep a shaved head clean)

This is just a short list. Sorry for the long explanation, but I hope it helps. Hard for me to give a specific percentage, but this is just a general idea why you see more shaved heads in the military. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Sir Harry.  I had guessed that it was the heat, and the other conditions seemed to make sense.  I know that Headblade provided some free blades for the troops, and a few commanders bought razors for the soldiers to encourage them to sport clean scalps.  For a man on a combat mission, freedom from hair makes sense.  In fact, it's the right look for a lot of men.

Thanks Sir Harry for your explanation and for your service. I was curious about this myself.

I just want to wish all SBG Vets a belated Happy Veterans Day. I hope that it was a good one. I wanted to get this greeting out in a timely manner but could not find the right place to put it.

Thank you all for your service.

Baldjoeg, a VIetnam Vet.


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