Author Topic: 30 Days is up, where I'm at right now.  (Read 1439 times)

Offline gadgetwizard

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30 Days is up, where I'm at right now.
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:55:09 AM »
Wow, i noticed my 30 days were up. So how do i feel? Do i keep the sly look? Here's where i am so far.

Well, i did try growing out to a buzz cut for a few days but went straight back to bald. I couldn't stand the feel. I felt unclean a bit like when i don't shave over the weekend.

I really like the look now and no one says anything any more, no comments, no jokes just acceptance. Brilliant! I still catch myself in the mirror and say to myself "wow, that really is a good look"

About a week ago i knew i had finally made the right choice when someone said "i can't even remember what you looked like with hair, and i really think this look suits you a lot"!

I don't get that numb feeling any more when i shave which probably means i have assimilated the shave and the transformation is complete, my tan line is gone and the colour of my head is more even.

I find shaving every other day suits me best but no longer. Besides this fits in with my face shaving routine. I don't work in an office all the time so i can get away with that every other day beard.

I still use a DE razor as that's what i'm used to. Shaving soap lathered with plenty of water. Witch hazel and then Aloe Vera moisturiser to finish.

I do now carry a travel tube of factor 50 in my pocket 'just in case' and so far i have not burned my head, i did wear a baseball cap but i don't like the look as much as i did with hair, somehow the cap makes me look like i'm ill. So i tend to go bald and factor 50.

I've got some great tips from the forum for some headgear for the winter and really like the Kangol stuff.

I do have to be careful what i wear, strangely i have found certain items of clothing just don't look right, i don't know why, they just don't. I have a sweatshirt that i have had for years, for some reason now it just doesn't suit me but i have another fleece type sweater and that looks fine. This is one of the weirdest things i have had to get used to.

This forum is great, i feel like i'm part of something special, something different something that's away from the normal.

So i asked do i keep the sly look? You betcha...onwards to 60 days i say!

...and if you are still on the fence...i say give bald a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Whether you have MPB or you, like me are BBC the feeling of self confidence and power this decision gives you is worth every..single..penny!

Offline U8myburger

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Re: 30 Days is up, where I'm at right now.
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2013, 12:50:56 AM »
I've only recently gone sly. It's thanks to posts like yours that I finally got up the nerve. You rock the look!

Offline geeman

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« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 01:56:02 PM »
Great post....its a great feeling that never goes away


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