Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Trimming Your Head/Hair

Best chordless clippers for travel? Wil be gone for extended amount of time!

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Hey Guys,

I made a thread a few weeks ago about a backpacking trip to Europe. I am leaving in about a week. Next Sunday!  :D

Anyway, I trim both my head and beard to a 0 every 3 days or so. I don't shave my head quite yet, and don't want to right now. My problem is I don't know if getting a chordless pair of clippers is worth it, or if I should bring my current clippers I use right now?

I will be staying in hostels and have never done it before. My questions are;

1. Should I bring my current clippers (wahl designers) and just get a converter for them and just shave in the bathroom with it connected? Is this appropriate to do in a bathroom floor or not? (getting hair all over the ground and what not?)

2.  I purchased a pair of wahl chromstyle chordless hair clippers today (still can cancel the order $130), but feel like they will not be very strong as chordless clippers seem to suck at cutting hair. Benefit is I could cut my hair and beard outside whenever I'd like, and not have to plug it in.

3. Will my wahl designer clippers even work with a converter?

Anyway, I'm all ready to go on this trip but worrying about shaving my head has been getting to me as I don't know what to expect over there. :-\

I'm all ears for advice. Once again, I don't bic my head or beard yet as I like to keep stuble on a consistent basis and I know this is my 2nd thread regarding this topic. But just don't know the best approach.


There is nothing to me, I always read it.

If you are backpacking why in the world would you want to carry any extra weight?  And no, converters won,t always work depending on how much voltage the clippers draw, ( I know, I tried to bring my clippers and trimmers with me to keep up my beard when I lived abroad!). And No, it is not cool to,leave hair on he bathroom floor in hotel rooms an Especiallly not in Hostels!  Shaving, even with an electric razor that runs on local current is OK because all of the clippings stay inside the razor

I suggest you do what I do when  I travel abroad.  Once a week I fing a local barber and go for a complete shave.  Nothing to carry and I have a week of stubble between shave downs.

You should try the hair clippers Karmin T70 ;)

I think an adapter is the easiest way to go.... Why buy a whole new clipper set when you can get an adapter on eBay for like two dollars and get to use the ones you have and are used to?


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