Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving Product Reviews

BEST Shaving CREAM for shaving your head

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I'm a big fan of the new Bee Bald Shave product (which is a cream).


--- Quote from: Mikekoz13 on August 25, 2013, 06:00:13 PM ---I'm a big fan of the new Bee Bald Shave product (which is a cream).

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I've been shaving with it the last week and think it fits in with the shaving creams I mentioned above.  Bee Bald has done a great job with their products.

I own and use 14 hard soaps and 8 creams.  They are all better than the canned goo.  The best deal in my opinion are any of the VanDer Hagen soaps that are available at most US drugstores and supermarkets.  You will need a brush ( I do not suggest Van Der Hagen).  PM me with your location and I would be happy to suggest sources of good, economical brushes.


--- Quote from: tomcj2 on August 25, 2013, 06:17:02 PM ---I own and use 14 hard soaps and 8 creams.  They are all better than the canned goo.  The best deal in my opinion are any of the VanDer Hagen soaps that are available at most US drugstores and supermarkets.  You will need a brush ( I do not suggest Van Der Hagen).  PM me with your location and I would be happy to suggest sources of good, economical brushes.

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Would you be willing to do a review on Shaving Soaps similar to this review on Shaving Creams?


--- Quote from: Tyler on August 25, 2013, 05:55:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: Bluebriz on July 15, 2013, 08:57:33 PM ---Palmolive, Proraso, TOBS, Tabac, Arko, they all spring to mind right away....

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Where do you typically buy these shaving creams?

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I shop online, so Italianbarber.com, Bestshave.net, connaughtshaving.com are among my favourites.  I think the Proraso is available in US stores though.


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