Author Topic: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind  (Read 6276 times)

Offline Quetzalcoatl

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I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« on: May 20, 2013, 08:21:45 PM »
Hey, first post here in a while.

I'm not even sure where to begin here honestly.  Been feeling kinda down lately.  I think its mainly stemming from not knowing what to do with myself or life in general.

Back when I was a kid I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up, an astronaut.  I worked hard throughout school, graduated with a 3.7 unweighted GPA and got accepted to FIT (just south of Cape Canaveral) and double majored in Astrophysics and Military Sciences to acheive my goal.

Unfortunately, halfway through my freshman year the funding to NASA was cut, killing the manned space flight program.  Granted I had never been the happiest guy, but this had pretty much crushed me.  What I had wanted since I was 5, what I had worked so hard for to the point of not really having a social life in high school to focus on my studies for no longer existed.

I ended up flunking out.  I was full on depressed.  I went on, unemployed for a year and got a job at a local grocery store where I still work as a part time bakery clerk.

I know I should be doing something in my life, but I haven't the faintest idea what.  I've entertained several ideas, architecture, computer programming, etc. but idk, nothing has stirred enough motivation in me to do anything.  I know that thought without action is nothing more than mental masturbation, but I can't think of an action to take. 

I don't want to take a path that I'll end up regretting, been there, done that, got the $10k student loan debt to prove it, but I know I can't let time go by without moving on with it much longer.  I can't live with my parents forever on a job that barely pays for my gas and auto insurance.

I know I must do something, but do not know what.

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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 10:23:46 PM »
Finish your degree. Surely there are more jobs than astronaut for people with an astrophysics background.

Offline chgobuzzbald

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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 10:51:39 PM »
First stop letting your thoughts run to being some sort of victim of budget cuts, life etc. Never a successful path to follow no matter how challenging one's life becomes. Train yourself to intercept those thoughts when they emerge. A book I just started called The Key is all about that.

 Start researching careers  from a to z. Look to what makes you happy and is fun for you in life and then see how to work backwards from that to see if there is a job connected to that somehow. NASA still needs  people to control the satellites and probes they send out. I recall that MOhawk guy who was in the news a couple years  ago for helping control the Mars Rover. He found fun in his job and some fame for a bit with his mohawk I recall.

 Or look to the private sector with the companies that are doing for profit launches and planning for private space travel. I bet you can still use your training in the years ahead. NASA will be eclipsed by the priavte sector very soon but you dont have to be a victim of that unless you allow that to happen. The area of domestic Drones ia about to explode in 2015 when they become fully legal to fly, I bet there will be careers there and have heard of a couple degree programs popping up just for Drone flight.

Keep the head smooth as well and be confident. Thats all anyone really looks for is people with confidence in themselves. That will carry you far in all areas of your life. But if people sense a Victim Thinker they will run away from that person. You are not that person.


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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2013, 11:28:58 PM »
Finish your degree. Surely there are more jobs than astronaut for people with an astrophysics background.

+1 I think it's BS that we're making cuts to our space program, especially the way we're treating our Earth with climate change––we'll need more astronauts to explore suitable planets to live on in the near future.

I say go back into the space program, and get back into NASA in SOME capacity at least.

Think of it this way. I'm terrible at maths and sciences but I love the idea of space travel, but I'll never get even the chance to go because of my lack of skills. You have that chance!

Offline Laser Man

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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 06:04:55 AM »
I agree with the others - finish your degree and look for a career (not a job) in the astrophysics field.  You may have to take some detours along the way, but you can find a career that suits your dreams.  While NASA may be facing budget cuts, there are other avenues for bright and talented people.  You may not get to be an astronaut, but there are many other paths that can give you fulfillment.  In the words of Winston Churchill, never give up!

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 06:10:50 AM »
I'm not trying to force this on you.....but have you ever thought of joining the Air Force (active, reserve or National Guard)? It could pave the way to an astronaut related-career, and in most states the Guard will fund your education! Another avenue is to volunteer locally. I think you're a bright dude with a lot of untapped potential, but you can do this, we're pulling for you. Good luck!
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Offline Quetzalcoatl

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Re: Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2013, 11:49:05 AM »
Thanks for the support guys!

I don't even think I want to pursue this dream anymore.  Too many negitive thoughts and emotions tied to it.

I like problem solving, and I like things that require me to get up and do something.  I'm way too antsy to sit at a desk all day.

I bought a 940 a couple months ago with my tax return.  I bought it in rough shape (It would stall at red lights, would wait forever to shift and shift hard when it did, and till I waxed it I thought it was beige with dead paint, turns out it's white with good paint), but I've been fixing her up, even got the A/C working nicely on my own.  While it's been frustrating more often than not, I've enjoyed it.  I'm thinking maybe auto/aircraft mechanic may be a good fit for me.

I may still give military service a shot, I don't know though.  The idea of being "owned" by the government does not sit well with me (don't get me wrong, I do appreciate what service men do, and should a draft happen I'm there, but it isn't for everyone).

So, either a auto mechanic (might try to become a Volvo Specialist.  I've done well with this car, and I'd assume specialists are where the money is at) or aircraft mechanic.

Now here's the fun bit: should I research them, or should I jump in with both feet before my tendancy to over-think things kick in.

Offline stasiu

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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2013, 01:51:28 PM »
Hang in There !  You are young and may make several career changes in your life time.  Always give it your best shot and having a sense of humor does help during those bleak times!  Look at it this way:  at least you can work on your car and save $$$.  My dealership service dept. loves to see me drive in ... LOL !  ;D
Good Luck !

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: I feel almost as if life is leaving me behind
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2013, 03:46:30 PM »
It's normal to not want to be "owned" by the government....and I respect that. I was in your position once before, stuck with a dead end job, struggling in college, etc. However, 23 years later, I think military service gave me so much more than I gave it. What I'm saying is, if you go the military, you may have to give up a few years of your life, but the benefits you can get and/or take advantage of in the end is worth the flak of being "owned", IMO. If it were not for my military service, I would not be in the position I am today (homeowner, a job with a solid salary and benefits, just to name a couple). I'm not saying that you should join the military, but more often than not, a lot of good comes out of military service than bad...even if it's only four years....Good luck and feel free to PM if you have any questions or ideas. (if you want to)
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