Discussions About Being Bald > Sly Bald Gals - Women's Corner

Request for input from the ladies


Hi there,

Two friends of mine (sisters) are thinking about shaving their heads. They have had long hair all of their lives so no clippers ever touched their heads so they are also a bit hesitant about the experience.
Can girls present here give some info about how you experienced the shaving proess itself the first time you did it?

Thanks in advance,


I went from long hair (about mid-back) to bald.  I'd had very short hair before, but not for about ten years. 

Shaving my head was something I had always wanted to do, and the stars all aligned (self-employed, living away from judgmental family, etc) for me in January.

Initially it was a shock.  It took a couple of weeks to get used to.  I didn't really recognize myself in the mirror, and would do things like reach up to tug my hair only to not find any  ;D

It was shocking, but I didn't feel any regrets.  I think this is largely because (a) it's something I've always wanted to do; (b) I think I look pretty good; (c) lots of encouragement from this forum and (d) a general confidence boost from finally going through with it.

Being a bald female isn't always easy, in terms of comments and judgments, but I don't let it get to me most of the time. 

Feel free to ask any more questions . . .

Hope I'm not chiming in too late!  :)

I too had experience with very short hair for a long time before taking a razor to my head.  I've used clippers for a few years and generally kept my hair anywhere from 1/4 inch up to 1.5 inches.  Eventually I started buzzing down further and further until it was often 1/6th or 1/8th inch.  I got used to it.

Going fully bald like with a razor vs buzzer, is very different IMO.  Not just the feel, but the look for me as a woman is very different. 

Now, I've never had a big emotional attachment to my hair.  BUT MOST WOMEN DO!  So when they have their hair cut from long to short or very short, or especially to bald/very short buzzed, it can be very emotional for them. 

You asked about the first time I did it?  The first time I buzzed or had a short pixie cut...or the first time I razor shaved?  They were two very different experiences for me.

The first time I had my hair taken from shoulder length to a 1 inch style was kinda shocking.  I was dumping a guy (hehehe) and he wouldn't leave me alone or get the hint, so I got my hair cut short because I knew he liked long hair.  This was 10 yrs ago.  I did feel a bit emotional.  Not like crying, really, just....shocked I guess.  It was both sad and happy, no words for it...just shock.  After a few days of mirror gawking I came to love the short hairstyle on me.  Each time I went shorter I felt that same sense of shock, then adjusted in a few days to a week.

When I shaved with a razor for the first time, it wasn't as shocking and I had no agenda (I scared the other guys off a long time ago...) other than getting itch relief from SD.  I already had a good idea of what it was going to look like since my hair was already 1/8th inch, and I had also spent some time checking out pictures of other bald women online before I took the plunge. 

I think if it's the first time, it really is wise to take off a few inches before going whole hog.  Then go slowly.  You can always chop off more, but you cannot glue it back on! 



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