Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Trimming Your Head/Hair
Wahl clippers
I just bought a Wahl home haircutting kit. It has all the comb attachments including one for 1/16 inch length. have used it once for a nice even #2 buzz. later this week will go for a #1 ... and then, the 1/16. I'll get to sly yet, but slowly !
That's how I started JohnMont, and look at me now, LOL, being Sly is so much easier and less expensive than having to buy electric razors, etc.
SLY is the only way to go
--- Quote from: PigPen on June 11, 2007, 11:39:27 AM ---SLY is the only way to go
--- End quote ---
Heck Yeah!
There you go!
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