Discussions About Being Bald > Bald Stories
Ponytail Vs. Bald
Up until Febuary of this year i was sporting a long ponytail that would always get the way of my activities. Then, on my birthday, i shaved it all off. I'll tell you, waterskiing, wakeboarding, swimming, wrestling, and training for MMA all of the sudden fell very different. I also noticed that being bald is like being in a secret society. Headblade sponsors, making new bald friends, and eventually becoming a member of SlyBaldGuys have all been unexpected advantages of "going against the grain." This whole experience has been like a roller coaster ride. One that i never want to get off.
Switch - thanks for the story and welcome to Sly Bald Guys!
I have to say, the first time I wakeboarded with a shaved head was a blast! Nothing like popping out of the water and feeling the water just blow right off your dome.
One downfall I found while doing MMA is that flipping mat will scuff you head up if you are not careful or the other guy feels like being a penis.
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