Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving Product Reviews

HeadBlade ATX Video Review

<< < (2/10) > >>

Thanks for the review Tyler. I'm using the Sport at the minute, not sure whether to buy myself one of these or not. If I place an order on headblade for some clearhead then I will go ahead and get one.

Excellent review Tyler Sly Bald Guys reign supreme. I probably will order the ATX this weekend...

Thanx for the review, Tyler.  I'm using the Sport, and it works.  May look into the ATX however.

Paul the Headblader:
nice review.
you guys make me hate this....I can not buy it from the HB romania website....idk when it will be available....
I'm happy with my sport, though:d


--- Quote from: Paul the Headblader on September 12, 2012, 10:18:42 PM ---nice review.
you guys make me hate this....I can not buy it from the HB romania website....idk when it will be available....
I'm happy with my sport, though:d

--- End quote ---

True the Headblade retailer from Romania doesn't update the products or the stock it's pretty scarce. And they answer a question in a weeks time. 

The Headblade Atx looks great. Let's hope that it will be better then the Sport. I am using the Sport every day and its the best razor. I hope that the Atx will be better. 


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