Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving Product Reviews
HeadBlade ATX Video Review
Thanks for the review Tyler. I'm using the Sport at the minute, not sure whether to buy myself one of these or not. If I place an order on headblade for some clearhead then I will go ahead and get one.
Excellent review Tyler Sly Bald Guys reign supreme. I probably will order the ATX this weekend...
Thanx for the review, Tyler. I'm using the Sport, and it works. May look into the ATX however.
Paul the Headblader:
nice review.
you guys make me hate this....I can not buy it from the HB romania website....idk when it will be available....
I'm happy with my sport, though:d
--- Quote from: Paul the Headblader on September 12, 2012, 10:18:42 PM ---nice review.
you guys make me hate this....I can not buy it from the HB romania website....idk when it will be available....
I'm happy with my sport, though:d
--- End quote ---
True the Headblade retailer from Romania doesn't update the products or the stock it's pretty scarce. And they answer a question in a weeks time.
The Headblade Atx looks great. Let's hope that it will be better then the Sport. I am using the Sport every day and its the best razor. I hope that the Atx will be better.
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