Discussions About Being Bald > Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald

At what age did you shave your head? (older guys)

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My 47th birthday.... five years ago. And Mother Nature definetly pushed me to do it. Looking back at photos of myself for the 8-10 years before I shaved.... I should have done it MUCH sooner.

I was 47 when I first shaved slick bald. I used to dye my hair, what was left of it and my beard. I did this since my late 20s. I am 48 now will turn 49  on Monday. People have told me I look younger with my slick head and gray stubble beard. Apparently the dye made me look like I was trying to hard to hold onto youth.I am so much happier with my look now than I was in my 20s and 30s. Maybe age has something to do with that. Oh and xabydaddy I think 45 fits into the older guy category. For what it's worth I thought you were about 38 so you should have no worries. Age is just a number. :)

Papa Don:
For me, I shaved at 63. It has been about four years now.  I think?  Having more and more grey moments now at 67.

In '95 when I was 54 I went from a no guard buzz to shaved smooth.

On January 4, 2010 at age 59 😄
One of my better decisions 😄👍


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