Discussions About Being Bald > Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald
At what age did you shave your head? (older guys)
I was 58 when I first shaved my head (BBC).
Just curious about some of you other guys, who later in life became sly. At what age did you shave your head and did you NEED (BBN) to or just WANT (BBC) to?
Frontier Guy:
Checking in ... 57 BBC - best thing I've done for myself in a long time!
55-I'm now 70. Why I didn't do it fifteen years before that now escapes me. I had a full head of hair and just grew tired of the maintenance and the cost.
The longer I'm bald I wonder the same thing. Why did I not shave my head years ago, but I was not ready for it back then.
You guys on here have been a big inspiration, demonstrating that a bald head is a beautiful thing.
Is 45 considered to be an "older guy?" ???
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