Discussions About Being Bald > Bald Stories
Oh, just shave it, will you!
Hey fellas,
have you ever found yourself in the company of a balding man and you tried to convince him to make the bold (bald) move and just shave it all off rather than having to put up with a balding head?
If so, then you're welcome to share your stories with regard to that.
Anyway, here's mine:
In a different forum (not bald related) there was this guy who sought advice regarding his balding, and he was contemplating shaving it all off. So I jumped right in and presented a few enticing arguments. I also posted before-and-after pictures of me (and all the replies were positive, especially from the ladies).
The result: He said he liked my points and it would come all off the next day!
Ah, that was a nice feeling. :)
Today I had coffee with a guy who took pictures for my new passport (lots of shine on my pate that had to be corrected with make-up).
And we sat there, and after a while I commented on his balding and asked him if he ever considered shaving his head. He was hesitant and we talked a little more about this, and it all boiled down to this: he was scared and wouldn't do it.
Hm, it seems this is a common sentiment among many potential shavers: they're very hesitant and they're scared ("how would it look like? would it put others off? Will I be able to get a girl? What will people (family, friends) think?")
And yet, as I can take from all your posts in this forum, very few (or in our case, none) ever regretted the move. That's interesting...
I think it's tough for a guy to convince another guy to shave his head. I've been trying to convince my brother to do it for a couple of years now with no success. The funny thing is that he used to shave his head when he was in high school, but then didn't want to when he really should have.
I talked to him a couple nights ago and he mentioned that he's going to start shaving it. I'm guessing that a girl must have persuaded him to, though he says it's out of convenience.
Convenience meaning it will allow him to get the woman...come on, tell me I'm wrong.
LOL...you know my brother already!
Lex Luethor:
I started to do that once with a balding coworker and then had second thoughts. He was taller than me, thinner than me, friendlier than me... "If he shaved his head," I reasoned, "he might actually be better-looking than me."
Can't have that.
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