Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
WHEN was the first time U tried a safety razor?
Hello fellow chrome domes:
Hope all is well with U & your families. As most of U know I have entered the traditional way of shaving on April 4, 2012. I am thoroughly enjoying my journey.
Just wanted 2 know when was the 1st time U have used a safety razor (DE...double edge, SE...single edge, or straight razor). If so... what was your experience? If you have not... do U plan on taking the plunge of safety razors? I am looking forward 2 hearing your stories.
I just ordered an Edwin Jagger DE89 after hearing promising reviews on this site and on Amazon! It was between that and a couple different Merkurs. Already have the ToBS cream and brush armed and ready, and I'm eager to learn the ways of the traditional wetshave. Also ordered some Osage Rub; going to need its ultra-cooling menthol for these triple-digit temperatures this weekend! :XX
--- Quote from: BillOnBass on June 26, 2012, 09:12:38 PM ---I just ordered an Edwin Jagger DE89 after hearing promising reviews on this site and on Amazon! It was between that and a couple different Merkurs. Already have the ToBS cream and brush armed and ready, and I'm eager to learn the ways of the traditional wetshave. Also ordered some Osage Rub; going to need its ultra-cooling menthol for these triple-digit temperatures this weekend! :XX
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Hi Bill: Congrats on your upcoming shave. Keep us posted. Remember take your time, take it slow, concentrate, and please do not rush or that blade will bite. That's why I shave at night or afternoon time so I do not rush. I can no longer shave in the morning if I have to get up early. Let us know or Pm for any advice or tips.
--- Quote from: BillOnBass on June 26, 2012, 09:12:38 PM ---I just ordered an Edwin Jagger DE89 after hearing promising reviews on this site and on Amazon! It was between that and a couple different Merkurs. Already have the ToBS cream and brush armed and ready, and I'm eager to learn the ways of the traditional wetshave. Also ordered some Osage Rub; going to need its ultra-cooling menthol for these triple-digit temperatures this weekend! :XX
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The DE89 is a great razor.
One complaint some have had is that the handle can be slippy, but that's only if it gets soapy (or your hand is soapy), the handle is fine if your hand is just wet.
Don't expect a perfect shave right away, and I would suggest until you get used to it (maybe your first week) to only shave with the grain, so downwards on your cheeks, under the nose (be extra careful there!) and the chin. WTG on the neck is a little more tricky, but if you rub your hand against the stubble, you'll soon see which way feels smoother and work it out!
Slow and steady as Warhawk said, and you'll be fine.
Out of interest, what blades will you be using?
I was about 15 years old and had never shaved. I waited for Dad to go to work and then I pulled out his old DE, lathered up, and shaved my peach fuzz.
It was a total success!!!
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