Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving

Double edged my head.

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I finally "Double edged" my head.

After weeks of reading, Googling and thinking, "Never, there will be too much blood", I finally put my cheap South African Lion Brand, Double Edge razor to scalp.

Having almost mastered using it in on my face, my curiosity as to whether I could pull it off on my dome, eventually got the better of me.

Taking the advice here on SlyBaldGuys.com and on Badger&Blade.com,  I prepared my head properly -- classic "Wet Shave" style, Badger Brush n real shaving Soap. I took my sweet time, asking myself, "Whats the worst that can happen?" I encouraged myself, rolling the thought around; "Men have done this with a Meat Cleaver", for goodness sake!

A brand new Bic Platinum was my  blade of choice. I went against the grain, "carefully", like how porcupines make love" LoL.

All I can say is I got an absolutely Super smooth, close shave with minimal irritation. (And only one stinging knick.) This "old" method definitely takes practice, but it certainly can be mastered. Perusal here has turned this technique into a bit of a personal challenge. The idea of using only steel on my face AND my head sort of intrigues me. Somehow makes me feel independent, having acquired an age old skill. I mean, I can get the BEST shave every day for life, if I had the time, I must confess, with a "wheelbarrow" of Gilette Minora blades for a few hundred Rands.

Imagine if the whole world went this way? The big rip off companies will fold. But I also enjoy the experimentation part, with the plethora of different universally fitting blades out there, it is indeed a fun challenge. (Heaven forbid that I ever get RAD - Razor Acquisition disorder, I already had PAD.)

This is a perfect weekend shave, unless I can speed it up by 15 minutes at 05;30, I may have to stick with the HeadBlade during for during the week. But DE shaving is perfect for times when your HeadBlade breaks, like mine did.

If any baldie is toying with the DE route on the head, hey, go for it and let us know your experience...

Now the hunt is on for my first "quality" DE razor!

Laser Man:
Good post - and congrats on having success with the DE.  I'm tempted, but am worried about turning my scalp into an accident scene!

Npsgb, Come on, do it just once, maybe twice, and let us know how it goes!

Sir Harry:
Congrats, Waine! As a semi-regular straight razor user, will have to give a DE a try someday....I think I could do it. Next project for me: The Headbleed-I mean HeadBlade.

I'm intrigued by the concept. My hair grows fast but if there was a method that did so well I wouldn't have to shave daily I'd certainly explore it. I wish I knew of a barber shop in my area that did straight razor shaves I'd try that out before branching out on my own.
Shaving is expensive so the one time cost of a straight razor appeals to me.


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