Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
First DE/Saftey Razor shave
Hey guys,
Just thought I would update you all about my recent wet shave adventure!
My origional plan was to start shaving my neck (as I have the beard at the moment) do that for a few weeks and then graduate to the head!
So I bought a saftey razor from a local shaving shop, cheaper selection wasn't great and came home with this
It came with a case, and a pack of Astra blades.
It's branded as a Comoy, although I think that may only be for the Aus market. It's Definatley a Weishi, as the little red brush it came with says Weishi on it, and it looks exactley like a Weishi lol
So I lathered up with some TOBS Sandalwood and my Horse hair brush last night after work.
I started on the neck, WTG, very tentatively, the across, then against. All in all it was without major incidence,I did bleed a bit as I was shaving over some previous irritation.
I finished up wit witch hazel and a cold water press.
So as I stood other bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, with a smug sense of self satisfaction. Curiosity got the better of me.
And I took to my head with it!
I found getting the correct blade angle much easier on the dome. It wasn't the smoothest shave I've ever had on my head but it was pretty damn close to satisfactory. Feeling it today, the spots where I got the angle right were still super smooth.
I guess it's just gonna take a little practice. So basically all in all I super happy with how easy it was, to be honest I don't know why I didn't do it sooner!
Anyway a few more pics for your enjoyment
So yeah, thanks for reading, oh and if any of you frequent B&B you will see a very similar post there soon lol
I've DE shaved my head a few times so far. The results have always been very smooth. However, I usually manage to nick myself when I do. I just need more practice. Since I'll have some extra time with the long weekend coming up, I might get in a DE shave or two.
Congrats on the successful first shave! O0 O0
Btw.....what's your B&B name? I''m registered there but haven't been on the boards too much......there is just so much info/pages that it is a little overwhelming.
Thanks Doug,
I think it wasn't to bad due to the Weishi having a reputation of being super mild.
Hopefully you have fun on the weekend!
B&B name is Lynchy, made my first post tonight. Definatley a case of information overload over there!
I just lurk and get tips and what not lol
Frontier Guy:
"B&B" ... am I missing out on something sensational? Clearly I'm clueless.
Badger and Blade.....it is a forum/site dedicated to wet shaving.
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