Confidence and Success > How to Build Confidence
The acceptance process
I am 26 and just recently shaved my head after about 5 years of trying different vitamins and hair restoration systems that just didn't work. I figured I would get a head start on the inevitable loss of more and more hair. So this is all new to me and I'm just beginning the whole process of transitioning into the world of being a bald guy. I see on many other posts how comfortable a lot of you are with yourselves and you have clearly not only accepted your baldness, but revel in it! I think it's inspiring.
What I want to read up on (just cause I think it would make me feel better) is an in depth explanation about the whole psychological process that one goes through, from the signs of balding to denial to acceptance etc. Can anyone give me their story from the beginning and what your thought process was like throughout the months and years to come? Does anyone know of any great articles or books on the subject?
I would really like some insight into how becoming a bald man effects people's lives. I do believe that bald men (especially those who lose their hair at a young age) have a certain advantage over people who keep their hair throughout their lives. And that is that we go through the feeling of loss and start to feel the effects of aging earlier than others, giving us a new sense of maturity and a profound appreciation for beauty and life.
I have no doubt in my mind that when I can reach the final acceptance of everything, I will be a stronger person and flourish in everything that I do. And for that, I will thank god for adding this experience that has changed my life
Welcome to the bald brotherhood Peteman. Let me be the 1st to say that you look bald. I could not give you any insight on the experience of natural hairloss since I have a full head of hair and I chose to shave it smooth. I love the feeling of freedom that being bald brings. People around me say I look neat and cool and that it highlights my facial features. I am sure a lot of our brothers here are more than willing to give you the advice, insights and support you need. Best regards.
Sorry cant reference anything off the top of my head but if I read anything relevant I will post it up!
Welcome to the Forum, Pete!
I'm a no BS guy so don't take my story as being a smartass. This is pretty much how it was for me:
1) When I was about 12 years old I looked at my Dad who was 36 years old and balding very badly (typical male pattern baldness). Photos of my Grandfather (Dad's Dad) showed that he wore a toilet seat hair style for years.
2) I realized what was in the cards for me for my hair in the future.
3) I went outside and played baseball.
4) When I became an adult my hair got thinner and thinner and then one day I just shaved it off.
5) Showed new shiny head to wife and kids. Son cried. I laughed.
6) We went to lunch.
My point... it's never been a big deal to me. There are so many bigger problems in the world than Mikekoz 13 (or anyone else) losing his hair.
Sir Harry:
Welcome to the group, Pete....Been down that road of losing hair at young age (27 or 28). Tried to fight it for about eight years then four years ago went sly permanently...and I've been happy ever since!
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