Author Topic: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?  (Read 55808 times)

Offline leibows

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #105 on: January 17, 2020, 06:59:50 AM »
I never notice anyone looking at me cautiously other than being in awe of the SLY look.

Offline reddog

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #106 on: January 17, 2020, 10:50:37 AM »
I do notice when guys with noticeable thinning eye me up. I just assume they are thinking "that looks good, wish I had the balls to do that". Obviously, with the increased amount of sly guys now, some have followed our lead!
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline chrisphilly123

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #107 on: January 25, 2020, 11:10:00 PM »
I do notice when guys with noticeable thinning eye me up. I just assume they are thinking "that looks good, wish I had the balls to do that". Obviously, with the increased amount of sly guys now, some have followed our lead!
I get long looks for other dudes who are loosing hair although few will start a conversation about it.They must be thinking they're headed for the same.

Living in a big city, I see so many guys, esp younger guys, with buzzed 1 or 0 guards, or shaved. I think in the past 4-5 years, it's become almost too common. No doubt the 'selfie generation' has learned to just say f**k it to balding hair.

Offline clint902

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #108 on: October 05, 2020, 01:39:41 AM »
People tend to stare at me although I can't imagine why.  Most comments are complimentary. 

Offline reddog

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #109 on: October 05, 2020, 01:13:16 PM »
20 years ago, or even 10, shaved heads were so much less common, so it stood out. Even when I first shaved it off 7 years ago, I would notice people giving me a glance. Personally, I liked it more when wearing a shaved head was less common and a little edgy. Now it's just another hairstyle. It is kind of fun when you're out somewhere and 2 or 3 baldies stand around together, usually discussing shaving routines.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline clint902

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #110 on: October 05, 2020, 01:43:08 PM »
20 years ago, or even 10, shaved heads were so much less common, so it stood out. Even when I first shaved it off 7 years ago, I would notice people giving me a glance. Personally, I liked it more when wearing a shaved head was less common and a little edgy. Now it's just another hairstyle. It is kind of fun when you're out somewhere and 2 or 3 baldies stand around together, usually discussing shaving routines.
"discussing shaving routines"?  Oh man, that's priceless :*))

Offline BaldBlindAt20

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #111 on: July 30, 2021, 10:27:49 AM »
I've had several instances in the past few months where I realize that people (mostly strangers, but some casual acquaintances, too) seem either wary or intimidated by my appearance (shaved head, moustache and goatee).  I've been told by several people (all women) that my "new look" is kind of intimidating. 

The most recent example was meeting a realtor who I hadn't seen in a year.  My changed appearance seemed to elicit a wary and cautious reaction from her.  Things lightened up when my wife arrived, but I sensed the realtor's discomfort when when she met up with a tall, bald guy in a dark overcoat.

Funny thing about it is that I'm not an intimidating person - I smile a lot and act polite and courteous.

Have you experienced this kind of wariness or caution toward you since going sly?

When I was buzzcut, people were going out of my way on the streets LMAO

Offline chuck63

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #112 on: July 30, 2021, 11:48:56 AM »
I think people are intimidated by the appearance of a bald guy.  As reddog said, it’s a more common haircut today than what it was 20 years ago.  I think keeping a shaved head has improved my confidence to a certain extent. 

Offline clint902

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #113 on: July 31, 2021, 06:57:32 AM »
I think a 67 year old bald man is less intimidating than a 67 year old man that has shoulder length hair.  I'm 67 years old and since I've been bald, people seem to be more friendly toward me.

Offline reddog

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #114 on: July 31, 2021, 10:07:42 AM »
I'm also 67 years old. When I first shaved 8 years ago, I noticed alot of people giving me some looks, and I liked having an edgy looking haircut. Shaved heads were just starting to become more common around here. Nowadays, nobody gives a second look or makes a comment. Guys with shaved heads are everywhere, definitely just another haircut choice. I kind of miss the old days when a shaved head stood out more!
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline Calvo1029

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #115 on: September 21, 2021, 08:09:40 PM »
When I first start shaving my head it happened a few times.

But more recently with current events in the US, people who engage in more hateful/dangerous behavior tend to have that greasy sidebrush look.

Yet another advantage of being bald.
If only I could figure out how to get rid of the hair that still comes back...

Offline jason_greets

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Re: Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
« Reply #116 on: August 13, 2024, 08:03:26 AM »
It reminds me of an incident while I was at Aldi standing in line to check out. I had been BBC for a few months and I was wearing dark jeans, had plenty of facial hair, glasses, pierced ears, and a black fitted t-shirt.

A man a few years older than me came in front of me and politely "reminded" me that he had been in line first ahead of me, but that he forgot to get a few groceries with the intention to come back to the line to the same spot. I firmly stated that he had left the line and his place in the line wasn't going to be "saved" for him because he forgot to get a few groceries. He didn't argue with me and went to the back of the line.

I wasn't aggressive nor raised my voice, but just assertive.
Bald by Choice since July 2023!  Having hair is overrated.