Discussions About Being Bald > Reactions to being Bald
Have you noticed people being wary / cautious of you as a sly guy?
Laser Man:
I've had several instances in the past few months where I realize that people (mostly strangers, but some casual acquaintances, too) seem either wary or intimidated by my appearance (shaved head, moustache and goatee). I've been told by several people (all women) that my "new look" is kind of intimidating.
The most recent example was meeting a realtor who I hadn't seen in a year. My changed appearance seemed to elicit a wary and cautious reaction from her. Things lightened up when my wife arrived, but I sensed the realtor's discomfort when when she met up with a tall, bald guy in a dark overcoat.
Funny thing about it is that I'm not an intimidating person - I smile a lot and act polite and courteous.
Have you experienced this kind of wariness or caution toward you since going sly?
Can't say that I have. (Except when I'm in biker leathers. That seems to scare the crap outa a lot of people.)
I can't say I have noticed anything like this. Maybe I am a mouse but in the 8 yeares I have been sly with full beard I don't think anyone had been intimidated by me.
I just smile and look cconfident which does wonders for my ego.
Paul the Headblader:
oh, yea. I live in the "third world" so bald guys are like aeliens around.
But they turn to be cool when they get to get to know me :)
Not really...kinda goes with the territory, being military and what not.
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