My "friends" joke about my appearance and how surprised they that a woman might like me.I don't know how to reverse this feeling.Anyone got any ideas?ThanksAnthony
I am really struggling with confidence at the moment. I have been feeling bad for a few months now but today I feel at my lowest point. My "friends" joke about my appearance and how surprised they that a woman might like me.
how to make new friends?
In my experience, people who put others down do so to draw attention away from their faults and problems. Look for confident, caring, and giving people around you, those are the ones to have as friends.
Thank you all for your advice. I think I will have to find some new friends. I am all for friendly banter between friends but all the same thing all the time over and over just becomes too much and is effecting my confidence as I believe them.The only thing that I bothering me is how to make new friends, I guess local sports clubs etc will be a good start.